(グローバルサウスと世界)第5回 BRICSに中東・アフリカ諸国が加わることの意味――エジプトを事例に考える
Egypt and the BRICS Expansion in the Middle East and Africa
(翻訳 川村晃一)
ダルウィッシュ ホサム(Housam Darwisheh) アジア経済研究所 地域研究センター 中東研究グループ研究員。博士(学術)。専門は、エジプト政治、社会運動、中東政治。現在は、ナイル川流域における水資源の共有をテーマに、周辺の国々が流域国間の関係に及ぼす影響や、水資源の共同利用における流域国の政策などに焦点を当てながら、国際関係学の視点で研究に取り組んでいる。
- 「アフリカの角」とは、インド洋と紅海に向かって「角」のように突き出ているアフリカ大陸東部地域のことを指す。この地域は、紅海とアデン湾への主要な入り口であるため、世界で最も戦略的に重要な地域のひとつと見なされている。
- 1977年1月、小麦粉、食用油やその他の生活必需品の価格を値上げするという政府の決定が引き金となり、エジプト全土の主要都市でこの決定に反対する民衆の暴動が起きた。政府は軍の支援を受けて、暴動を容赦なく鎮圧し、多数の死傷者が出た。政府が食糧補助金を復活させ、補助を拡大したことで、「パン蜂起・暴動」は終結した。
Egypt and the BRICS Expansion in the Middle East and Africa
December 2023
In August 2023, in Johannesburg, South Africa, the leaders of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) bloc held their 15th summit and agreed to invite six new countries to expand the BRICS membership. As of January 1, 2024, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Argentina will join the bloc. With the addition of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran, the expanded BRICS will account for 41 percent of global crude oil output, 46 percent of the world’s population and 36 percent of global GDP, surpassing the Group of Seven (G7) wealthy economies (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US). In an era of a broader shift to a multipolar order or multi-aligned world, what lies behind the BRICS’s expansion by the Middle Eastern and African countries? In particular, what can Egypt gain from joining the bloc?
BRICS and the Global South
The BRICS was formed in 2009 by major non-Western emerging economies to counterbalance the US-led world order and foster a multipolar world in which they can play a more central role. The BRICS was established after the 2008 global financial crisis, the worst economic downturn in the USA since the Great Depression which posed a serious threat to the global economy. The BRICS initially demanded a global monetary shakeup and a louder voice in Western-led international financial institutions. Since then, the Western economic capitalist-led model has come under a lot of scrutiny given the impact of the 2008 crisis on the global economy. Low income developing countries were harder hit than others and experienced “severe economic downturns disproportionate to their roles in the crisis.”
The 2023 BRICS summit gained momentum and attention amid the USA-China “trade war,” that began in 2018 with moves by President Donald J. Trump and continued after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. These two events led to a further geopolitical fragmentation of the global economy with the imposition of Western economic sanctions on Russia and the weaponization of the dollar-based global finance such as freezing Russia’s central bank assets and cutting Russian banks off from SWIFT. In addition, the strengthening of the US dollar, caused by aggressive US monetary policies, disproportionately affected emerging markets of the “global south” due to higher food and energy prices, and renewed calls for the reform of the international institutions and global governance.
Most global south countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America were neutral on the war in Ukraine and the USA-China trade rivalry. They know that the world’s center of geo-economic gravity is shifting from the West towards China and Asia. They have decided that the Ukraine war “is not our war”. What concerns them is the impact of the war on energy, food, and their ability to protect their people and adapt to climate change.
Politically, the BRICS wants to reduce the emerging markets’ dependency on US currency by increasing trade outside the US dollar. They look to establish financial systems that are independent from or complement the Western system. In June 2022, the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, announced that the BRICS would develop a new reserve currency based on a basket of currencies for its member countries. The BRICS members sought to finance their infrastructure projects in local currencies through the Shanghai-based New Development Bank (NDB), which they established by BRICS members in 2014. The NDB was created as a global south-oriented alternative to the Word Bank. In fact, the bank now has a larger membership than the BRICS. The NDB’s other members include Egypt, Bangladesh, UAE, and Uruguay is in the process of joining the bank.
The BRICS bloc has presented itself as a Global South vehicle to challenge the West. Its agenda resonates with many developing countries that feel marginalized by the current international power structure. However, the tasks ahead depend on two issues: What exactly are the reforms that BRICS members want in global governance, and can they cooperate to promote intra-BRICS trade in unprecedented ways?
Moreover, as BRICS expands, there may be serious divisions among its current and new members. For instance, whereas Russia, China and Iran are adversaries of the USA and are determined to challenge US dominance and foreign policy interests and agendas, other BRICS members, namely, India, Brazil, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and UAE, may try to maintain good relations and an alliance with the West. Unlike the G7, BRICS members do not have a similar governance system or a common ideological ground. Rather, they are trying to restructure the global political, economic and financial architecture in ways to make them less dependent on the USA and the Western-led global order. It remains to be seen, however, how the expanded BRICS can operate with their different ambitions, aspirations and attitudes.
The rationale of adding new members from the Middle East to the bloc
According to South Africa, over 40 countries expressed interest in joining the BRICS and over 20 countries formerly applied to join the bloc. Representatives from 71 countries were invited to the August 2023 summit. Despite the lack of admission criteria for evaluating new entrants, there is some rationale behind the selection of countries from the Middle East and Africa to the BRICS. The first thing that stands out is the geopolitical and economic importance of the new members in their regions or sub-regions, through which the bloc seeks to expand its global reach.
Bringing in three large oil-producing countries -- Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Iran -- is significant. Not only they are large oil exporters but Iran and Saudi Arabia have been enemies for long. In April 2023, China played a pivotal role in normalizing diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, underscoring its commitment to regional stability in the Middle East.
For some time now, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states had questioned the wisdom of being solely dependent on the USA which, since the end of the Cold War, had exacerbated many regional conflicts by invading Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and failing to solve regional problems in the Middle East including the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They know that the US is no longer the dominant hegemon in the Middle East. Bill Burns, the head of the CIA, once said in July 2023 “it is a world in which the US is no longer the only big kid on the geopolitical bloc.” He added “the weight of the hedging middle is growing. Democracies and autocracies, developed and developing economies, and countries from the Global South and other parts of the globe are intent on diversifying their relationships in order to expand their strategic autonomy and maximize their options. These countries see little benefit and lots of risk in monogamous geopolitical relationships.”
With a strong military presence in the Middle East, the USA will remain the security guarantor for the GCC states, but the latter also began looking East many years ago with the rise of China and other Asian countries, such as India, South Korea, and Singapore, all of which needed oil and gas and have been coming on to the Middle East with trade, investments and so forth. In addition, against the backdrop of the USA’s becoming more energy independent, the GCC states want to get the benefits from deeper relations with West and BRICS members.
The rationale of adding new members from Africa to the bloc
Egypt and Ethiopia, both the Horn of Africai (often considered the most strategically important region in the world as it is the primary entrance to the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden) and North Africa are now represented in the BRICS. Indeed, the addition of Egypt and Ethiopia to South Africa will give Africa a significant representation in BRICS.
Egypt holds a geo-strategic importance due to its strategic location and control of the Suez Canal, a critical waterway for regional and global trade that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Roughly 30 percent of all the world’s shipping containers go through the Suez Canal, representing about 12 percent of the global trade of all goods. Crucially, south of the Suez Canal, where the Red Sea enters the Arabian Sea, there is a strategic choke point known as Bab el-Mandeb Strait right off the coast of Yemen, where more than 6 million barrels of oil go through every single day. Egypt’s inclusion in the BRICS would ease concerns about the security of the Suez Canal.
For that matter, Egypt’s population of over 100 million people forms a huge and growing market for consumer goods and an attractive market for business and investment. This makes Egypt important to China, the BRICS dominant player whose GDP is more than twice the size of the other members combined. Over the last decade, China’s ’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), maritime presence and military ties with Egypt have grown noticeably.
Similarly, the rapidly growing Ethiopia with more than 100 million people is crucial to the BRI as it is the demographically most important country in Eastern Africa. Ethiopia is also the diplomatic seat of the African Union to which China has extended billions of dollars in financing for infrastructure projects. Besides, the enormous hydropower potential Ethiopia has from its rich river basins that flow to many downstream riparian states grants Addis Ababa political leverage across East Africa.
Egypt’s aims to join BRICS
Egypt is primarily a Western-aligned state. Its geopolitical centrality in the Middle East and North Africa enables its leaders to balance between external powers and to take advantage of great power competition. Egyptian foreign policy is, on the one hand, closely associated with its economic weakness and dependency on foreign aid, especially loans, and, on the other hand, aimed at preserving regional security and ensuring regime stability.
By joining BRICS, Egypt seeks to expand its accessibility to international financial bodies and increase the inflows of foreign investments to ease its worsening hard currency shortage and economic crisis. The Russian invasion of Ukraine impacted Egyptian currency valuation as it sent wheat prices spiraling, increased the cost of imports, and piled pressure on its foreign currency reserves. Between March 2022 and August 2023, the Egyptian pound lost about 50 percent of its value against the dollar. Egypt believes that its BRICS accession would bring investment opportunities.
China, one of Egypt’s largest trading partners and investors, has billions of dollars of investments in Egyptian infrastructure and loans for its construction of the New Administrative Capital, the Suez Canal Economic Zone, and power plants. Egypt’s trade exchange with BRICS founding and new members amounts to more than a third of the country’s total external trade. According to Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), India came at the top of the list of the highest BRICS countries importing from Egypt during the year 2022, while China was second. Data from CAPMAS revealed that investments from BRICS nations in Egypt surged 45.9 percent from $610.9 million in the fiscal year 2020/2021 to $891.2 million in 2021/2022.
Through BRICS membership, Egypt seeks easier accessibility to finance (with less stringent fiscal conditionality than that of the International Monetary Fund) via the BRICS’s NDB which provides soft loans to its members to implement infrastructure and development projects. Egyptian leaders hope that any future increase in trade with BRICS members in local currencies can lower its foreign currency pressure and decrease its demand on the US dollar. All this could reduce inflation which reached a new high of 40 per cent in August 2023 with food and drink prices alone registering a 71.9 increase compared to August 2022.
Egypt is the largest importer of wheat in the world where almost 80 percent come from Russia and Ukraine. The cost of bread in Egypt cannot be overstated: over 30 percent of its population live below the poverty line. The government has subsidized bread and kept its price ridiculously low for decades. But to raise the price of bread could lead to social unrest, the last one being in 1977ii.It is also no coincidence that bread was the first word of the 2011 popular uprising’s slogan (Bread, Freedom, and Dignity) that led to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak who ruled Egypt for almost 30 years. Egypt, Russia, and India have discussed trading wheat and rice in national currencies. Such a step, if it is implemented, will supply Egypt with the basic needs of strategic goods through BRICS. During the last BRICS summit, Egypt put forth a proposal to establish a global grain storage center within its borders to ensure food security and maintain a strategic reserve.
Egypt: the way forward
It is rational for the Middle East and North Africa to adjust their foreign policies in a world that is becoming increasingly multipolar. While maintaining strong relations with the West, they seek to capitalize on new opportunities emerging in Asia and the Global South. This provides the context for Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE to enter BRICS. The Egyptian media and public debate have portrayed BRICS membership as a political victory that could solve the country’s economic crisis.
However, joining BRICS alone is not the solution to Egypt’s struggling economy. Egypt’s borrowing spree over the last decade has increased foreign debt to $162.9 billion in December 2022 from under $40 billion in 2015. The Egyptian pound has lost more than 50 percent of its value against the dollar since March 2022. Currently Egypt is in talks with the IMF for a new loan of about 5 billion dollars, and the major stumbling block has been currency management. Basically, the IMF and other external creditors want Egypt to further float its currency, which would exacerbate inflation and make food and other basics very difficult for Egyptians to afford.
Egypt is vulnerable to global economic crises and regional turmoil due to its heavy reliance on tourism for hard currency, along with revenues from the Suez Canal and remittances from Egyptians working abroad, all of which depend on global trends. To achieve any meaningful results from joining the BRICS, Egypt must deal with its chronic trade deficit (its imports of good are almost three times its exports), foreign currency shortage, and substantial foreign debt repayments after its external borrowing quadrupled over the past eight years. While the value of Egyptian exports to BRICS countries is about USD 5 billion, its imports from the bloc exceed USD 26 billion. In short, to exploit the export and investment opportunities of the BRICS membership, Egypt must build its productive capacity, improve its competitiveness by integrating more with the supply chains of the BRICS countries, and rebalance its trade with BRICS members.
About the Author
Housam Darwisheh Resercher, Middle Eastern Studies Group, Area Studies Center, IDE-JETRO. Research fields are Egyptian politics, Social Movements, Middle East Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations.
- The Horn of Africa refers to the eastern region of the African continent that juts out like a "horn" toward the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. This region is considered one of the most strategically important regions in the world because it is the main gateway to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
- In January 1977, triggered by the government's decision to raise the prices of flour, cooking oil, and other daily necessities, popular riots broke out in major cities across Egypt in opposition to the decision. The government, with the support of the military, relentlessly suppressed the riots, resulting in numerous casualties. The "bread uprising and riots" ended when the government reinstated food subsidies and extended assistance.
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