[Belonging・Position] Middle Eastern Studies Group, Area Studies Center
[Research Field] Egyptian politics, Social Movements, Middle East Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations
[email] Housam_Darwisheh E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

My previous research focused on political opposition in authoritarian settings as well as the political economy of social movements in Egypt and other Arab states, with special reference to Islamism. Specifically, I examined the underlying structural and institutional factors that led to the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt. Then I looked into the abrupt rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood after 2011 and the reestablishment of authoritarian rule after the July 3, 2013 military coup.

Current research projects

At present, I am examining shared water resources from the perspective of international relations, taking a deeper look into the role of non-riparian states in hydropower development as well as the policies of riparian states that share transboundary waters in the Nile Basin. In particular, I am investigating the rising influence of the Arab Gulf states and private investments from non-basin countries in the Nile Basin and their impact on transboundary water relations between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. More broadly, I am interested in exploring the nexus of water management and water governance as well as actions and strategies for implementing transboundary water resource management, with the aim of realizing sustainable development.