(2022年中国共産党第20回党大会)第5回 不安のなかの習近平――中国の安全保障概念と外交政策への影響
A Chairman of Insecurity: China’s National Security Concept and Its Impacts on Foreign Policy
Christina Lai
第20回党大会の報告文書では、外的脅威に対処するために政府は「指導の核心」を守るべきであると記されている。さらに、中国の国家安全に関する記述だけでなく、党が社会保障や治安をどのように改善するかといった点についても記述されている5。これについて、ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院の中国専門家であるスティーブ・ツァン(Steve Tsang)は、ウラジミール・プーチンや習近平といった確固たる権力を有する指導者は、ストロングマン症候群に陥っていることから、破滅的な帰結に至る可能性が高いだろうと主張した6。つまり、政治指導者が最大の権威を享受しながらも不安を感じ続けるのは、政権内部における政策論争が抑圧されていることを彼ら自身が知っているからである。習近平の側近集団からは習近平の考えに反しない意見しか出てこない「エコーチェンバー現象」が生じるため、政策の選択肢は偏ったものになるし、良くてもその選択肢は限定的になってしまうだろう。
2020年6月に香港で施行された国家安全維持法は、逃亡犯条例に反対するデモの後に、党中央が大規模な社会統制を行おうとしたものである。先日新たに行政長官に就いた李家超(John Lee)は、混乱した香港に安定を取り戻すことを約束し、在任中に「暴力、過激派、分離主義を根絶する」ことを目標に掲げた21。同じく、新疆において大規模な職業訓練所が設立され、社会活動家に対する超法規的な拘束が行われていることが報道されるなど、中国共産党による人権侵害が世界の注目を集め続けている22。習近平が国家の安全と政治的安定を重視するあまり、香港と新疆では市民社会と人権が著しく損なわれている。
(翻訳 内藤寛子)
頼潤瑤(クリスティーナ・ライ) 中央研究院政治学研究所(台湾)研究員。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学グローバル・セキュリティ・スタディーズ学部講師。専門は、米中関係、中国外交政策、東アジア政治など。Politics, International Politics, Political Scienceをはじめとした学術雑誌に論文を発表。
A Chairman of Insecurity: China’s National Security Concept and Its Impacts on Foreign Policy
February, 2023
President Xi’s Prolonged Tenure After the Party Congress
The 20th Party Congress held by the Communist Party of China (CPC) marked one of the most important events for China, as Chinese President Xi Jinping offered a blueprint of China’s diplomatic visions and political agenda over the next five years and beyond. When Deng Xiaoping, the former leader of the CPC, tried to standardize the transition of the political leadership within the Politburo Standing Committee in the 1980s, he aimed to prevent a strongman from dominating the domestic and foreign policy of China.1 However, China has certainly entered a “new era” under President Xi, as this Party Congress removed term limits for Xi’s tenure. In the meantime, there will also be no significant political constraints on Xi’s leadership, as he begins a third term as the most assertive leader in China.
President Xi has been dubbed “chairman of everything,” as he is in charge of economic, diplomatic, military, and other major policies in China.2 This policy analysis adapts the chairman title of Xi, and it examines the interactions between Beijing’s conception of security and its foreign policy initiative.3 Xi is often depicted as the commander-in-chief that prioritizes people’s lives and welfare. He offered a vision of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, while the Chinese government tightens its grip on all aspects of life. Specifically, Xi’s prolonged tenure and his redefinition of security will probably serve as the most crucial legacy of the CPC, while China faces a new set of risks and uncertainty in the years to come.
Based on the CPC’s official documents, media coverage, and recent scholarly works on Chinese foreign policy, this report offers an in-depth analysis of how President Xi and the party leadership interpret China’s security environment and the prospects of China’s foreign policy in Asia and beyond. First, it highlights how the CPC’s wording in the 20th Party Congress document reflects China’s growing sense of insecurity. Second, it examines how the official document indicates an expansive scope and definition of security, as Beijing faces serious challenges at home and abroad. This policy report discusses the implications and consequences of China’s foreign policy over the next few years. Finally, it addresses Beijing’s policy stance toward Taiwan, and offers policy recommendations for both Japan and Taiwan.
A Sense of Insecurity Under Xi
When compared to the more positive statements following the 19th Party Congress, the CPC has revealed a mixed evaluation of China’s relations with the world.4 For example, it points to “emerging risks and challenges” for China. Even though President Xi aims to build a great, modern, and socialist country, the party leadership possesses a rather negative assessment of China’s external environment. The official language emphasizes “potential dangers” for China, and is cautions against the “violent storms and choppy waters” ahead.
The official report from the CPC Party Congress claims that government officials ought to safeguard the “leadership core” to address China’s external threats. Moreover, there is a section dedicated to China’s national security and how the CPC can improve its social security and public safety system.5 Steve Tsang, a China expert at SOAS, claimed that the unwavering power of Vladmir Putin and Xi Jinping might easily lead to disastrous outcomes, as they both suffer from the strongman syndrome.6 Namely, they enjoy the highest level of authority but still feel insecure, because these leaders know that any internal policy debates have been oppressed. An echo chamber has been formed immediately in Xi’s inner circle, and the scope of policy options is going to be biased or, at best, limited.
More importantly, the repeated utterances of the term “security” reveal President Xi’s underlying sense of insecurity. By warning that China may encounter both external and internal threats, the official narrative attempts to legitimate Xi’s political leadership during this critical time. With President Xi removing the terms limits for the CPC’s leadership, he can devote more efforts on executing the foreign policy visions and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.7 Specifically, Xi might appoint more of his loyalists to key positions relating to national security and foreign policy, so that the Chinese bureaucracy could implement his agenda more effectively.8 In terms of local governance, President Xi has already appointed some of his political confidants to important regional positions, such as the party secretaries of major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing.
Even though President Xi possesses more power in executing his preferred policies domestically, focusing on security would likely create institutional vulnerability for the CPC.9 Namely, Xi has established a more personalistic model of government that undermines the power-sharing mechanisms in the decision-making process. Such a concentration of authority implies greater risks of legitimacy for President Xi if his policies fail to meet the Party’s agenda and the expectations from the public.
Specifically, there are no mechanisms of checks-and-balances as President Xi begins his third term, and therefore the top leadership might rally for his support and eliminate dissident voices. The Covid-19 control policy already offers an example of how the lack of different views within the party leadership has led to severe consequences for basic human rights and economic development.10 The Chinese government could have imported Western-made vaccines rather than insisting on daily administered Covid-19 tests. Instead, the zero-Covid policy and strictly enforced lockdowns from 2020 to 2022 come at a significant cost to China’s economic growth and individual freedom. Officials at the local level have often imposed city or county-wide lockdowns and surveillance systems to demonstrate their support for the government’s directives. The bandwagon dynamics reflect an over-compliance on Xi’s agenda, and these officials are unable to modify the public health policies effectively according to their local circumstances.11 President Xi remains committed to the zero-Covid policy even after the 20th Party Congress, and his constant testing and quarantine policies have already led to protests among some angry citizens.12
In December 2022, the Chinese government dismantled the costly zero-Covid policy and relaxed most of the pandemic restrictions, such as mass testing, forced lockdowns, and centralized quarantine. As of now, major cities throughout China are experiencing a surge of cases after the abrupt shift of policy. However, Xi Jinping has continued to remain silent on the sudden change of pandemic measures, as Xi previously staked his legitimacy on the zero-Covid policy.13 He also wanted to distance himself from the severe consequences of the U-turn of Covid guideline, such as the increasing death tolls, a shortage of medical supply, and the overwhelming of the healthcare system. Such a drastic easing of restriction rendered the local government and the Chinese citizens unprepared, as there was no prior warning from the top health authority. Public frustration from the zero-Covid policy and the unprecedented wave of infections not only undermined Xi’s political prestige, but also led to a serious blow to the credibility of the CPC.
Although the relaxation of Xi’s zero-Covid policy has led to a certain amount of confusion, officials at the provincial level or higher might claim to actively support President Xi’s national security concept while securitizing their preferred policies locally to accept President Xi’s unparallel authority. In the long run, the Chinese government might encounter institutional difficulties in setting the priorities for tackling its top or most urgent security challenges. Moreover, Xi’s indefinite stay in power increases political uncertainty in the future. It remains uncertain what the future leadership transition in CPC looks like, or how President Xi will appoint his preferred candidate.
A Comprehensive Understanding of Security
A keyword search of Xi Jinping’s speech at the 20th Party Congress reveals that the term security was associated with different issue areas, ranging from the national security system, security in Hong Kong, energy security, food security, public security organs, biosecurity management, and overseas security of the Chinese people. The overemphasis on security leads to an empirical inquiry on how this concept has evolved and expanded under Xi.
This all-encompassing definition of security reflects the CPC’s long-held assessment of its internal and external challenges. In Xi’s first term, the Chinese government issued Document No. 9, which listed seven threats to the CPC, including civil society, a free press, and the so-called “universal values.”14 In addition, back in 2014, President Xi already proposed an “overall national security concept,” which included the economy, natural resources, technology, and nuclear development.15 In his understanding, security and development are two sides of the same coin, and national development is the goal of China’s security.16 Therefore, Xi sees no distinction between internal and external security, and he is willing to take preventive action to address these challenges.
In securitizing the domestic issues, the CPC associates its regime legitimacy with the sets of internal challenges from Chinese society. Namely, Beijing elevates the policy issues to the level of China’s national security, so more resources and policy measures are required to address these challenges.17 However, such a categorization raises the question of whether China during Xi’s tenure has a hierarchical ranking of different security interests or not.18 It would be quite difficult for scholars in international relations and Chinese foreign policy analysts to assess which issue areas—for example, territorial integrity, social stability, or cybers sovereignty—would come first in Beijing’s calculations.
Beijing’s conception of security points to the synergy of its core interests, domestic stability, and regime security.19 Such a comprehensive view includes both a conventional understanding of national security and non-traditional security in international affairs, but this policy might come at a certain cost. The securitization of domestic issues further compromises other values, such as human rights, individual privacy, and personal freedom, for which the Chinese government has been criticized over the last few decades.20
The New Security Law enacted on Hong Kong in June 2020, in which Beijing sought to exert greater social control after the anti-extradition bill protest, is a case in point. John Lee, the newly appointed Chief Executive, promised to restore stability following the chaos in Hong Kong, and he aimed at “eradicating violence, extremisms, and secessionism” in his tenure.21 Similarly, the abuses of human rights in Xinjiang continue to draw worldwide attention, as the CPC has established massive vocational training centers and executive extrajudicial detention for social activists.22 Civil society and human rights have been significantly undermined in Hong Kong and Xinjiang due to Xi’s focus on national security and political stability.
National Security and Chinese Foreign Security
Xi’s foreign policy presents a sharp departure from Deng’s low-profile approach summed up by the dictum of “hide your strengths, bide your time”. For example, President Xi started to promote “great power diplomacy,” seeking to increase China’s prestige and influence in international affairs. In 2018, Xi restructured the CPC’s Foreign Affairs Leading Group, and he established the Central Foreign Affairs Commission (CFAC). This organization signaled Xi’s greater attention on China’s diplomatic relations and its grand strategy, as CFAC is on par with several other commissions holding the highest rank in China’s bureaucratic system.23 China’s foreign relations apparatus is expected to actively defend China’s security interests in a more assertive fashion under President Xi.
As President Xi enjoys the highest authority in the party now, it is even more important for the academic community and policymaking circle to understand Xi’s ideological beliefs and political agenda. Specifically, world views can be developed from political ideology or a country’s collective memory, and they can shape and constrain the foreign policy options adopted by the top authority.24 Therefore, Xi Jinping’s ideas about the world can be examined through his public speeches, official statements, and policy initiatives.
From Beijing’s perspective, it has always sought to evaluate how external threats undermine the security of the CPC. Although Beijing considers the power of the United States to be in decline, the intensifying competition with the U.S. still creates significant security concerns for the party leadership.25 Recently, the U.S., along with India, Japan, and Australia, established the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), a multilateral initiative which aims to deter China’s expansionist behavior. The United States also extends a security partnership to the UK and Australia (AUKUS) to provide a more robust military build-up against China’s naval forces in the Asia-Pacific region.
Beijing’s heightened perception of threats certainly shapes its foreign policy posture and regional diplomacy. For example, the Global Security Initiative (GSI) addresses the challenges of regional conflicts and the pandemic and provides a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable concept of security for all countries.26 Beijing’s understanding of security from the GSI marks a significant shift in Chinese foreign policy, as President Xi applies the concept of regime security to China’s grand strategy.27 Specifically, the Chinese government has actively promoted this security initiative to the member states at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as these countries shared China’s principle of non-interference of domestic affairs.
China is certainly worried about the emerging security architecture in Asia that might contain its military presence and eventually undermine the legitimacy of the CPC’s power. Even though it might take a few years for the Chinese government to develop a more concrete definition of “global, sustainable, or common security,” the GSI signals President Xi’s vision of reforming the regional security order and promoting a new form of cooperation.
In addition, since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, it has become a highly globalized country, situating itself within the greater economic network. Economic interdependence creates both risks and opportunities for both great powers and the medium-sized countries of the world.28 Specifically, Beijing’s domestic politics have significant influences on China’s economic policy and global security as well. Therefore, Xi’s effort to maintain regime security has fueled the CPC’s ongoing securitization of economic issues in recent years. For example, a broad category of national security generated greater political authority for China’s party-state apparatus in private firms, state-owned enterprises, and local financial institutions.
Beijing’s stronger control over the private sector and economic sanctions against multinational corporations (MNCs) seem like a political response to the risks of China’s economic interdependence with the outside world, and the Chinese government needs to guard against hostile foreign forces seeking to undermine the legitimacy of the CPC. However, such a policy posture has already created a strong backlash from some European countries and the United States.29 Specifically, China’s blurred boundaries between internal security and external threats, and between the state own enterprise and China’s private firms generate increased insecurity for other states in Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific region. The European Commission and the United States have adopted concrete measures, such as stricter vetting on investment reviews, capital controls, and industrial policies, to constrain China’s economic activities overseas.
From Deng Xiaoping to Hu Jintao, the CPC’s core interests centered on upholding the legitimacy of the Communist Party rule and maintaining stable economic development. Such political beliefs have experienced a gradual change of scope and conditions under Xi’s tenure. His conceptualization of national security moves away from the traditional convention of maintaining stability to a more proactive approach to preemptively reduce security threats internally and externally.
Implications for Japan-Taiwan Relations
Over the last few decades, China has experienced rapid growth in its military and economic capabilities. Beijing’s assertiveness in maritime disputes and the frequent use of economic sanctions against the claimant countries has increased worries among China’s neighbors. Specifically, both Japan and Taiwan are subject to China’s military provocation and economic coercion.30 On the issue of Taiwan, Xi Jinping claimed at the 20th Party Congress:
“Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is, for the Party, a historic mission and an unshakable commitment… The policies of peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are the best way to realize reunification across the Taiwan Strait…We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the utmost effort, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary. This is directed solely at interference by outside forces and the few separatists seeking “Taiwan independence” and their separatist activities…”31
President Xi considers Taiwan as an essential part of China’s core interests, and the greatrejuvenation of the Chinese nation can only be achieved through unification with Taiwan. In this sense, Xi’s emphasis on an expansive understanding of national security and his commitments to unification carry significant ramifications for the Japanese and Taiwanese governments.
China’s heightened threat perceptions of the security environment might increase the risk of military attacks against Taiwan and the possibility of Japan’s involvement in a regional crisis. In 2021, Japan’s defense white paper explicitly stated that “the situation surrounding Taiwan is important for Japan’s security and the stability of the international community…we pay close to attention to Taiwan with a sense of crisis more than ever before.”32 More specifically, if Beijing were to occupy Taiwan with the People’s Liberation Army, then Japan would find it more difficult to defend its territory, including the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa.33 From Japan’s perspective, Taiwan’s strategic location certainly acts as a buffer zone for Japan, as the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) can devote more of their efforts to Japan’s homeland security and near sea area. However, given China’s growing military capabilities and Xi’s assertive ambitions, both Taiwan and the United States will need more active contributions from the Japanese government.
Therefore, in response to the Taiwan contingency, it is an urgent task to recalibrate the goals and objectives of the U.S.-Japan alliance, and better preparation for the military posture and logistic supply are becoming priorities for the U.S.-Japan-Taiwan triangle. This policy analysis offers some measures for Japan and Taiwan to address China’s challenge. For example, JSDF can work closely with the United States to integrate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities to effectively respond to a Chinese attack against Taiwan.34
The U.S. can also establish military-to-military communications between Japan and Taiwan. Both formal and informal channels should be utilized on a regular basis, so that the political leaders and military personnel can effectively share crucial information with each other during a conflict scenario.
Policy Implications for Japan and Taiwan With presidential term limits being removed during the 20th Party Congress, Xi Jinping is now expected to gain full control over the security, intelligence, and foreign affairs apparatus throughout his indefinite tenure. Under the concept of comprehensive national security, Xi’s definitions of security include military, economic, territorial, biological, cyber, and overseas interests.
This expansive understanding of security not only reflects President Xi’s sense of insecurity, but will also have a significant impact on Chinese foreign policy in the years to come. This policy report highlights three aspects of Xi’s views toward the CPC regime: Beijing’s GSI, the securitization of economic issues, and its implications on Japan-Taiwan relations. In addition, the CPC’s heavy-handed measures in Hong Kong and Xinjiang lead to a more pessimistic outlook for liberal democracy and human rights in China, and Beijing’s image has continued to worsen over the last few years.
In this sense, both Japan and Taiwan have much to offer to the international community, as they have vibrant civil societies and liberal democratic systems. More importantly, a Chinese attack or occupation of Taiwan might seriously challenge Japan’s security and the regional order as well. Political analysts and policymakers from both sides should develop more concrete channels of communication in military, economic, and cultural affairs.
About the Author
Christina Lai is a junior research fellow in the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She is also an adjunct faculty in Global Security Studies at Johns Hopkins University. She is interested in U.S.-China Relations, Chinese Foreign Policy, East Asian politics, and Qualitative Research Methods. Her works have appeared in the Politics, International Politics, Political Science, Journal of Contemporary China, Pacific Review, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Asian Survey, and Asian Security.
- Fewsmith, Joseph. “Balances, Norms, and Institutions: Why Elite Politics in the CCP Have Not Institutionalized,” The China Quarterly 248( S1), 2021: 265-282.
- McDonald, Joe. “President Xi Jinping, China's 'chairman of everything',” Associate Press News, February 4, 2022.
- 実際には、習近平は中国共産党の書記および常務委員も務めている。くわえて、中央軍事委員会主席でもある。習近平の公式の肩書および変遷については、Johnson, Christopher K. “2022, Xi Jinping’s Annus Horribilis: Or is it?” Asia Society, August 8, 2022を確認されたい。
In fact, President Xi now serves as the general secretary and president of the Chinese Communist Party. He is also the chairman of the Central Military Commission. For more information on Xi’s official titles and political trajectory, see Johnson, Christopher K. “2022, Xi Jinping’s Annus Horribilis: Or is it?” Asia Society, August 8th, 2022. - Hsiao, Amanda and Ivy Kwek. “The Foreign Policy Implications of China’s 20th Party Congress,” International Crisis Group, October 21, 2022.
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- “What a third term for Xi Jinping could mean for China and the world,” NPR, October 19, 2022.
- Tsoi, Grace and Sylvia Chang. “How Xi Jinping made himself unchallengeable,” BBC, October 16, 2022.
- Wuthnow, Joel. “Securitisation and Governance in the Xi Jinping Era,” in CPC Futures: The New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, National University of Singapore Press, 2022
- “Xi’s coronation portends a hard era for China and the world,” The Washington Post, October 15, 2022.
- Shirk, Susan. “Xi Jinping has fallen into the dictator trap,” The New York Times, October 14, 2022.
- “What the Chinese people are revealing about themselves,” The New York Times, December 3, 2022.
- “What does China’s zero-Covid U-turn mean for Xi Jinping,” CNN, December 16, 2022.
- 9号文件の英訳版全文は、“Document 9: A ChinaFile Translation”を参照。
For the full text of the Document No.9 in English, see - “Xi stresses importance of national security,” Xinhua News, April 15, 2014.
- “Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China at the Opening Ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC, December 16, 2015.
- 国際政治学者は、政治指導者による公式の言説の役割を強調する際に、とりわけ安全保障の概念について詳しく説明する。安全保障は、行為者、参照される対象、安全保障に関連する問題と結びつける動き、そして聴衆といういくつかの重要な要素を含む過程を指す。いくつかの代表的な研究として、以下の文献を参考にされたい。 Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver, and Jaap de Wilde. Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998. McDonald, Matt. "Securitization and the Construction of Security." European Journal of International Relations 14(4), 2008: 563-587. Song, Weiqing. "Securitization of the ‘China Threat’ Discourse: A Poststructuralist Account." China Review 15(1), 2015: 145-169.
Scholars of international politics elaborate on the concepts of securitization when they stress the role of speech acts developed by the political leaders in their official discourse. It refers to a process that includes some crucial elements: the actor, the reference object, the securitization move, and the audience. For some exemplary works, see Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver, and Jaap de Wilde. Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998. McDonald, Matt. "Securitization and the Construction of Security." European Journal of International Relations 14, no. 4 (2008): 563-587. Song, Weiqing. "Securitization of the" China Threat" Discourse: A Poststructuralist Account." China Review 15, no. 1 (2015): 145-169. - Erickson, Andrew. “Make China Great Again: Xi’s Truly Grand Strategy,” War on the Rocks, October 30, 2019.
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- “Acting on the Global Security Initiative to Safeguard World Peace and Tranquility,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC, April 24, 2022.
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- Pearson, Margaret M., Meg Rithmire, and Kellee S. Tsai. "China's Party-State Capitalism and International Backlash: From Interdependence to Insecurity," International Security 47(2), 2022: 135-176.
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- “XIII. Upholding and Improving the Policy of One Country, Two Systems and Promoting National Reunification,” the full text of the 20th Party Congress report.
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