Childhood conditions in the developing world


Edited by Yuya Kudo


Cover / Contents(193KB)

Chapter 1

The abandonment of female genital cutting (FGC) may reduce women’s welfare if FGC improves their marriage prospects. This study explores whether and how the abandonment of FGC is associated with women’s marriage in the long term. A game-theoretic model developed to formalize the well-known theory of marriage convention reveals that an increase in the cost of FGC induces a social change from an FGC to a no-FGC equilibrium, wherein all (no) females in a community are cut in the former (latter), while possibly reducing compensation previously paid by men to a married woman for the costly FGC and, thus, her welfare. To test this prediction, this study exploits a unique, potentially ubiquitous identification setting and first provides evidence consistent with the view that Burkina Faso’s FGC-discouraging political efforts increased the cost of FGC as perceived by those who reside in the borderlands of its neighboring countries due to cross-border knowledge spillovers while reducing the cutting rate. However, this external policy shock only trivially affected a range of young women’s marital outcomes in the borderlands. Thus, from the mating perspective, women’s welfare may not markedly decline concomitantly along with the decline in FGC.


貧困層子女が所得を高めるために教育は必須であると多くの論者が主張してきた。その一方で、教育が所得を増やす効果は、個人の生まれつきの知的能力差によって大きく違うのではないか、貧困層子女には生まれつきその効果が低い人もいて教育をしても豊かになれないのではないか、という疑念が常につきまとってきた。ゲノムワイド関連解析研究では、学歴は半分近くが遺伝によるが、全てが先天的には決まらないと示されている。労働経済学では、貧困層への早期児童発達介入が非認知能力改善を通じて奏功することを10 年単位の長期調査によって明らかにしている。
