Colombo Conference on “The Challenges for Plugging into Asian Value Chains: East Asian Experiences”
2017年3月21日(火曜) 9時30分~12時30分
- オープニング・セッション
- 司会: 今泉慎也 アジア経済研究所 新領域研究センター上席主任調査研究員
- 歓迎挨拶: Mangela Yapa 開発庁長官
- 開会挨拶: 平野克己 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO) 理事
- セッション1: 港湾開発と産業化
- 司会: Romesh Michael David, President, Transportation Group John Keells Holdings PLC
- 講演者: 石田正美 アジア経済研究所 開発研究センター長
"Special Economic Zones and Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region" (3.11MB) - 講演者: 池上寛 アジア経済研究所 海外研究員・海外調査員(台北)
"Economic Growth and Port Development in Taiwan" (1.85MB)
- セッション2: FTAと外国直接投資
- 司会: 工藤年博 政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS) 教授
- 講演者: 椎野幸平 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)海外調査部 国際経済課長
"Utilization of FTA network in Asia:Lessons from ASEAN"(843KB) - 講演者: Anushka Wijesinha , Chief Economist, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
"Trade and FDI in Sri Lanka: Current Issues and Future Prospects" (403KB)
- 自由討議
- 司会: 工藤年博
- コメンテーター(セッション1): Romesh Michael David
- コメンテーター(セッション2): Sirimal Abeyratne コロンボ大学経済学部教授
- 閉会挨拶:今泉慎也
IDE-JETRO co-organized a seminar with Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade (MODSIT) on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.
The Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade (MODSIT) and the IDE-JETRO jointly held a conference to develop our understanding of the challenges of Sri Lanka to realize its potential for economic growth by encouraging export-led industrialization with fully utilizing its trade hub function.
This conference highlighted the experience of East Asian countries in promoting export industries through some measures such as Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to attract industries beyond borders. It also discussed the impact of free trade agreements especially on the flow of FDI and the decomposition of Global Values Chains (GVCs).
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 9:30-12:30
Auditorium, Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS)
Opening Session
- Chair: Shinya Imaizumi,Chief Senior Researcher, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, IDE-JTRO
- Welcome Remark: Mangala P. B. Yapa, Managing Director (Designate)
- Opening Remark: Katsumi Hirano, Executive Vice President, JETRO
Session 1: Port Development and Industrialization
- Chair: Romesh Michael David, President, Transportation Group John Keells Holdings PLC
Speaker: Masami Ishida, Director-General, Development Studies Center, IDE-JETRO
"Special Economic Zones and Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region" (3.11MB) -
Speaker: Hiroshi Ikegami, Overseas Research Fellow, IDE-JETRO
"Economic Growth and Port Development in Taiwan" (1.85MB)
Session 2: Free Trade Agreement and Foreign Direct Investment
- Chair: Toshihiro Kudo, Professor, the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Speaker: Kohei Shiino, Director, International Studies Division, Overseas Research Department, JETRO
"Utilization of FTA network in Asia: Lessons from ASEAN" (843KB) -
Speaker: Anushka Wijesinha , Chief Economist, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
"Trade and FDI in Sri Lanka: Current Issues and Future Prospects" (403KB)
- Chair: Toshihiro Kudo
- Commentator for Session 1: Romesh Michael David
- Commentator for Session 2: Sirimal Abeyratne, Professor in Economics, University of Colombo
- Closing Remarks: Shinya Imaizumi