アジア国際産業連関表2000年 第2巻:データ編  



■ アジア国際産業連関表2000年 第2巻:データ編
■ アジア経済研究所  編
■ 6,380円(本体価格 5,800円)
■ A4判
■ 2006年
■ ISBN4-258-12090-1
■ 品切れ


Preface / 黒岩 郁雄

I. General outline
II. Schematic image of the Asian international input-output table
III. Coding system and technical notes
1. Coding system
2. Sector classification
3. Technical notes
4. Comments on supporting tables

Part2. Statistical tables / 黒岩 郁雄

Table1.1 Transaction table (7 sectors)
Table1.2 Input coefficients table (7 sectors)
Table1.3 Inverse matrix (7 sectors)
Table1.4 Forward and backward linkages effects (24 sectors)
Table1.5 Impact of final demand on gross output (7 sectors)
Table1.6 Impact of final demand on gross value added (7 sectors)
Table1.7 Contribution ratios of final demand to gross value added (7 sectors)
Table2.1 Transaction and input coefficients table (24 sectors)
Table2.2 Inverse matrix (24 sectors)
Table2.3 Forward and backward linkage effects (24 sectors)
Table2.4 Impact of final demand on gross output (24 sectors)
Table2.5 Impact of final demand on gross value added (24 sectors)
Table2.6 Contribution ratios of final demand to gross value added (24 sectors)
Table3.1 Import duties and import commodity taxes ratios
Table3.2 Employment matrix