
研究会一覧 2020年度

Impacts of Wars of Decolonization on South-South Relationship: Experiences of the Maghrib(2020_2_40_002)


Focusing on the Maghrib people’s historical experiences, the project analyzes global implications of decolonization wars in the 20th century. Although decolonization wars were formally fought between a colonized people who claimed for their independence and a suzerain power, political and cultural impacts of such wars, especially against the backdrop of cold war and the Third-World movement, often went beyond the bilateral relationship between the two parties to have reactions (of solidarity or of confrontation) from actors out of other parts of Asia and Africa. Following the Second World War, anti-colonial resistance wars such as wars in Indochina (1946–1954, then 1955–1975) and Algerian war of independence (1954–1962) opened up different occasions for inter-colonial contacts and involvements of individuals from Asia and Africa as soldiers, writers, and anti-imperial activists. Built upon recent studies on Asia and Africa’s internationalism seen “from below”, the project studies impacts of decolonization movements in the 20th century on the shaping of the south-south relationship.



[ 主査・幹事 ] 渡邊 祥子
[ 委員 ] アルトゥウマ アリ(日本学術振興会(~2019,9);独立研究者(2019,10~))
[ 委員 ] 鵜戸 聡(鹿児島大学法文教育学域法文学系 法文学部 人文学科准教授)
  • 外部投稿(IDE Research BulletinおよびDiscussion Paper)