
WTO Public Forum 2016

The Internationalization of Firms and Human Resource management Practices

>>開催報告 (1.08MB)

ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所は、2016年9月27日~29日に開催されたWTO Public Forum 2016において、「The Internationalization of Firms and Human Resource management Practices」と題するセッションを開催しました。


Production fragmentation has become a global trend in recent decades. Observers now claim that participating in a global value chain (GVC) is crucial for a country's economic development. However, local firms in developing countries still tend to find it difficult to participate in global production networks, and it may not be clear how local workers benefit from these networks.

This session explores the mechanism of the GVC participation of firms from the perspective of firms' management practices, using the results from a survey of Vietnamese firms. Special attention will be given to human resource management (HRM) practices, such as compensation, recruitment, and job training, to capture the effect of globalization on workers at the firm level. In addition, the effectiveness of government support for firms' activities to improve their employees' skills will be discussed.

WTO Public Forum 2016 会場風景

2016年9月27日 (火曜) 13:00~14:30(現地時間)


WTO本部(ジュネーブ) Room S1

  • 佐藤仁志 (開発研究センター上席主任調査研究員)
  • 鎌田伊佐生 氏(神戸大学大学院経済学研究科准教授)
    講演: Internationalization of Firms, Human Resource Management Practices, and Workers in Developing Countries: An Overview
  • Tran Binh Minh 氏(Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)研究員)
    講演: Internationalization of Vietnamese Firms and Changes in Management Practices
  • 田中清泰 (海外派遣員)
    講演: The Internationalization of Firms and management Practices: A Survey of Firms in Vietnam

WTO Public Forum 2016 会場風景 1

WTO Public Forum 2016 会場風景 2

