WTO Public Forum 2015
Plugging in to the global agricultural value chain – a perspective from developing countries in Asia
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ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所は、2015年9月30日~10月2日に開催されたWTO Public Forum 2015において、ワーキングセッションPlugging in to the global agricultural value chain – a perspective from developing countries in Asiaを開催しました。
How can trade work better to let the agricultural sector of developing countries plug them into the global values chains (GVCs)? Agricultural trade is the imperative in the developing world as it generates economic growth and creates employment in rural areas. The session shows research results on agricultural trade of selected Asian developing countries (e.g. Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, and China) based on port rejection data and field investigation. In order to plug in and further climb up the GVCs, those countries need to enforce capacity building as well as efficient policy and regulation implementation from public and private sectors. A concerted effort is required to improve the conditions facing agricultural trade in Asia for greater shared benefits. Policy recommendations for governments, industrial sectors, standardization and certification bodies, as well as international organizations to address challenges will be discussed by the panelists from government, industry and academia.
2015年10月1日 (木曜) 10:30~12:00(現地時間)
ジュネーブ・WTO本部 Room S2
- 鍋嶋郁(早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科 准教授)
雷蕾 (新領域研究センター企業・産業研究グループ研究員)
講演: Import Rejections of Agricultural and Food Products from East Asia -
道田悦代 (海外調査員 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)
講演: Diffusion of Global GAP Standard in Asia -
Tin Htut Oo(Economic Advisor and Chairman, National Economic and Social Advisory Council, Office of the President Republic of the Union of Myanmar)
講演: Asian developing countries‘ perspective: MYANMAR -
Hasdan Hussin(Assistant General Manager, Quality Management, Loss Control, and Risk Management Division, Aeon Co. (M) Bhd.)
講演: A perspective from developing countries in Asia (AEON Malaysia Experience) - John Humphrey
講演: Would Asian economies benefit from adopting Global GAP?