

Seminar on Logistics Cost in Lao PDR









  • 司会 Ms. Lathdavanh Songvilay ラオス国家経済研究所マクロ経済改革課課長補佐
  • 通訳 Mr. Souknilanh Keola ジェトロ・バンコク事務所バンコク研究センター研究員
  • 挨拶 Dr. Leeber Leebouapao ラオス国家経済研究所副所長
  • 挨拶 佐藤百合 ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所 理事
  • モデレータ Dr. Leeber Leebouapaoラオス国家経済研究所副所長
  • 講演者 石田正美 ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所 開発研究センター長
    "Logistics Cost in Lao PDR"(1.78 MB)
  • 講演者 蒲田亮平 ジェトロ海外調査部アジア大洋州課
    "Trade Structure and Logistics Condition in Vientiane Area"(694 KB
  • コメンテータ Dr. Saykham Voladet ラオス計画投資省
  • コメンテータ Mr. Bouaphet Sayasan ラオス公共事業運輸省運輸局長セッション2: FTAと外国直接投資
  • 閉会挨拶 柴田哲男 ジェトロ・ビエンチャン事務所長
  • 講演者 石田正美 ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所 開発研究センター長
    "Economic Effects of Road Development and Its Challenges"(2.12 MB
  • パネル・ディスカッション
    • Dr. Vanthana Norlintha ラオス計画投資省事務次官補佐
    • Dr. Bounlet Vannalath ラオス国立大学経済経営学部
    • Mr. Prachit Sayyavong ラオス国際貨物フォワーダー協会(LIFFA)会長
    • Mr. Xayana Phommavongxay DHLカントリー・マネージャー
    • Mr. Vichit Sadettan ラオス国際貨物フォワーダー協会(LIFFA)事務局長
  • 閉会挨拶 佐藤百合 ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所 理事
  • 閉会挨拶 Dr. Leeber Leebouapao ラオス国家経済研究所副所長

Logistics Cost in Lao PDR, Policy-Oriented Research Project(1.23 MB



Outline of Seminar

IDE-JETRO co-organized a policy recommendation seminar on "Logistics Cost in Lao PDR," with National Institute of Economic Research (NIER), Lao PDR on Friday, February 24, 2017. This seminar intends to make presentations of research works on "Studies on Logistics Cost in Lao PDR," conducted in FY 2016 for government officials and researchers in Lao PDR. The final report of the studies was submitted to H.E. Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Prime Minister of Lao PDR by Mr. Hiroyuki Ishige, Chairman of JETRO in June 2017.


Friday, February 24, 2017


Crowne Plaza Vientiane


PDF (705KB)

Opening Session
  • MC: Ms. Lathdavanh Songvilay, Deputy Director of Macroeconomic Economic and Restructuring Center, National Institute of Economic Research, Lao PDR
  • Translator: Mr. Souknilanh Keola, Reseach Fellow, Bangkok Research Center, JETRO Bangkok
  • Opening Address: H.E. Dr. Leeber Leebouapao, Vice President, National Institute of Economic Research, Lao PDR
  • Address: Dr. Yuri Sato, Executive Vice President, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
Policy Recommendation Seminar
  • Moderator: H.E. Dr. Leeber Leebouapao, Vice President, National Institute of Economic Research, Lao PDR
  • Speaker: Dr. Masami Ishida, Director General, Development Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
     "Logistics Cost in Lao PDR" (1.78 MB)
  • Speaker: Mr. Ryohei Gamada, Research Manager, Asia and Oceania Division, Overseas Research Department, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
     "Trade Structure and Logistics Condition in Vientiane Area" (694 KB)
  • Commentator: Dr. Saykham Voladet, Ministry of Planning and Investment
  • Commentator: Mr. Bouaphet Sayasan Director General, Department of Transportation, Ministry of Public Work and Transportation, Lao PDR
  • Wrap-up: Tetsuo Shibata, Chief Representative, JETRO Vientiane
  • Closing Address: H.E. Dr. Leeber Leebouapao, Vice President, National Institute of Economic Research, Lao PDR
Policy Recommendation Seminar
  • Speaker: Dr. Masami Ishida, Director General, Development Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
    "Economic Effects of Road Development and Its Challenges" (2.12 MB)
  • Panel Discussion
    • Dr. Vanthana Norlintha Deputy Director, Cabinet office, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Lao PDR
    • Dr. Bounlet Vannalath Department of Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Laos
    • Mr. Prachit Sayyavong, President, Lao International Freight Forwarder Association (LIFFA)
    • Mr. Xayana Phommavongxay, Country Manager, DHL
    • Mr. Vichit Sadettan, Secretary General, Lao International Freight Forwarder Association (LIFFA)
    • Address: Dr. Yuri Sato, Executive Vice President, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
    • Closing Address: H.E. Dr. Leeber Leebouapao, Vice President, National Institute of Economic Research, Lao PDR
    Final Report Submitted to H.E. Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Prime Minister of Lao PDR

    Logistics Cost in Lao PDR, Policy-Oriented Research Project (1.23 MB)