Research Projects
FY 2024/2025
Current research projects are listed.
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- Workers and Firms in Africa
- Life histories of African migrants and refugees in Johannesburg, South Africa
- Water management and sustainability in the modern Central Asia
- A Migrant’s First Year: Family, Workplace, and Community in Japan
- Interdisciplinary Approach in the Research on the History of Politics and Economy in Colonial West Africa
- Formation process of the notion of state sovereignty and the national consciousness in the French West Africa
- Japan and Taiwan's Economic Relations: Horizontalization, Diversification and Increased embeddedness
- Analysis of the Political Consequences of the Student Movement in Chile: On the Policy Change from Neoliberalism to Universal Social Rights
- Presidential Candidate Selection in Dominant Parties in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Cultural Capital and Social Stratification in Emerging Asian Countries: A Study from Piano Culture
- Party-Judicial Relationship in Contemporary Chinese Politics
- Domestic Institution and International Cooperation: The Case of Intellectual Property Protection
- Policy of Korean Worker's Party toward the United Stades
- Cuba's External Policy during the Period of Normalization of US-Cuba Relations: Cuba's Survival via Strategic Hedging
- Challenges for SMEs in the Gulf Arab States
- Gender Differences in Commuting Constraints and their Economic Impact: An Application of Quantitative Urban Models
- The Criminal Politics in the Drug Trafficking Route
- The Role of Party Labels in Developing Countries
- Changing Trade and Industrial Structure in Brunei Darussalam: The Role of China and its Geopolitical Background
- Transformation of public perception on entanglement between Islam and politics in Indonesia
- Structural change and agricultural resource allocation in rural Thailand
- Comparative analysis of political regimes of ASEAN countries
- Features of New Businesses in Emerging Economies: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and Vietnam
- Impacts of Uncertainty on International Capital Flows in ASEAN and Other Emerging Countries
- A Basic Research for the Construction of International Input-Output Database for the Asia-Pacific Region
- Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and Human Capital Investment in Polygynous Households in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Transformation of local governance system and civil society in Thailand: A Case study of the Khonkaen Model
- Empirical Analyses of Culture: Impacts of Culture on Individual Behaviors, Attitudes, and Subjective Well-being
- The Business Strategy of Merachnats and the Weakly-organized Market in Iran
- Elucidating the actual situation and the migrant policies of sending and receiving countries on international labor migration after COVID-19
- The net effects of foreign investment on employment and demand for skills: Vietnam
- International Treaty Making on Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO
- A Preliminary Study on the living environment of Children in Asian Countries
- Exploring Critical Junctures in Modern History of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Empirical analyses on the origin of child fostering in Africa
- Formal Financial Market and Informal Lending under Economic Shocks: Experimental Evidence from Rural Bangladesh
- International Nurse Migration from India to Non-English Speaking Countries
- Issues around co-development of the social development and public recognition of sign languages in developing countries
- Business and Human Rights: Global Trends and Asia
- Economic Impact of Low Fertility and Aging Population in Thailand
- Microfinace in India:30 years development and contemporary digitalaization
- Early stage of environmental policy formation process in Taiwan: Focusing on environmental health policy during Chiang Ching-kuo era
- Population Movement in Post Soviet Central Asiaafter 2014 Ukrinian Crisis
- Coordination and Expansion of Practical Economic Models
- Citation analysis of Japanese studies on developing countries: extention of the database's languages and an approach based on fields of the sauces
- Smart manufacturing development in Vietnam and Thailand in comparative perspectives
- Survival Strategies and Dietary Changes for Ethiopian Urban Residents
- Politics of Peace-making: A Veto Player Approach to Conflict Termination in the Philippines and Sri Lanka
- Japan-Bangladesh Relationship at 50:Achievements and Challenges
- The characteristics of Japanese media coverage of India and the “Chinese factors”
- Preparing a textbook for Latin America societies in the 21st century
- Examining minimum wage impacts: Effects of market concentration
- New City Developments in Egypt
- Indonesia at a Juncture: Evaluation of the Jokowi Government and Challenges for the Next Government
- Environmental governance in China: environmentalism and authoritarianism
- Criminal Justice Reform in Thailand
- Feminist Movement and Debate on "Honor Killing"in Turkey
- Anatomy of sea-based regionalism
- Global brain circulation and innovation dynamics in East Asia
- Compilation of an Extended 2011 Japan-Taiwan International Input-Output Table
- Grand strategies of Taiwan under U.S-China great power competition.
- The Distributional Effects of Trade and Consumption Heterogeneity
- Economic Impacts of US-China Trade Disputes
- Transition of Disability Law and Institution in Asia
- Religion or Patriarchy: What Hinders the Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan?
- An Analysis of Conflicts with Global Survey Data
- Climate Change Governance under Sino-US Rivalry
- Merger & Acquisition/Consolidations of the Rural Bank Sector and Financial Inclusion in the Philippines
- Legal and political institutions in the sphere of social norms: Economic analyses of colonization and the right of a married couple to use separate surnames
- Political, Economic and Social Analysis of Developing Countries
- Studies based on Geographical Simulation Model (IDE-GSM)
- Publication of Latin America Report
- Africa Report
- Analysis Current Affairs in Asia