Seminars & Events

  • [Accepting] Symposium on “Immigrant Workers from Global South to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea: Present situations and future challenges” There have been increasing numbers of immigrant workers coming from “Global South”, to Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. In this symposium, we will engage in a discussion to have an in-depth analysis and understanding of the present situations and future challenges faced by such migrant workers in their destinations. In doing so, we will look into, compare and learn from the cases of Japan, rich experiences of Taiwan in receiving foreign workers, and well-advanced systems for upholding worker’s rights in South Korea, as well as views from the sending countries of “Global South”, such as Indonesia... International Symposium Event Date:2024.08.22
  • "Challenges and Opportunities from Lao PDR's LDC Graduation" Co-organization by LASES, IDE-JETRO and ERIA This seminar's objectives are threefold. First, it will bring together experts and scholars from IDE-JETRO, LASES, the National Assembly of Lao PDR, and ERIA to present their research findings on challenges and opportunities arising from LDC graduation in Lao PDR. Second, it will invite participants from government and private entities expected to be affected by the LDC graduation to listen to, discuss, and provide feedback from research from practical points of view. Third, a constructive discussion on LDC graduation and industrial development will be took place. ... Seminar Event Date:2024.07.31