IDE Research Columns
About IDE Research Columns
IDE Research Columns (IDERC) were launched in March 2022 to present research-based analysis in a short and accessible format. The columns cover economic, political, and social issues in developing countries and regions. As they typically conclude with recommendations based on empirical research, IDERC offers opportunities for policy discussions among academia and practitioners. IDERC is designed to complement more in-depth publications, such as journal articles, books, and discussion papers.
Copyrights and redistribution policy
IDERC is an open-access publication published by IDE-JETRO, licensed under Creative-Commons license Attribution–Non-Commercial–No Derivative Works 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND).
The works published at IDERC can be freely duplicated and shared under the following conditions:
Attribution: the original author and IDE-JETRO must be credited and a link to the original article must be given.
Non-Commercial: the material may not be used for commercial purposes.
No Derivatives: the work must not be altered when redistributed.
For details, please refer to this link.
Should you wish to use the materials beyond those terms, please contact IDE-JETRO.
*The views expressed in the columns are those of the author(s) and do not represent the views of IDE or the
institutions to which the authors are attached.
Thumbnail image: Market in Harar (Aflo)