Research Projects
FY 2020/2021
Current research projects are listed.
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Asia General
- Political and Economic Analyses for Trade and Investment Rules in East Asia(2020_2_60_005)
- Re-evaluation of China’s Total Factor Productivity and Resource Misallocation: Considering Firm Heterogeneity (2020_3_60_005)
- Information sharing mechanism of foreign labor in Japan: Basic research for Covid-19 Prevention in ‘Vulnerable Communities’ (2020_2_60_004)
- Collaboration project with the Netherlands’ Urban Knowledge Network Asia and the International Institute for Asian Studies on Urban Studies (2020_3_60_003)
- Policy Recommendation on the Impact of US-China Trade Disputes upon and Business Development by Japanese Companies in Greater Bay Area (Research with the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province) (2019_2_60_002)
- Analysis of Current Affairs in Asia (2020_1_30_001)
- Studies based on Geographical Simulation Model (IDE-GSM) (2020_1_30_004)
- Horizon of Business and Human Rigts Study - Beyond the structual relationship between developed and developing countries (2020_2_40_029)
- Political Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Asia (2020_2_40_027)
- Causal relationship and social agreement in the process of environmental and resource policy formation (2020_2_40_026)
- The Economic Policy of Moon Jae-in Administration (2020_2_40_025)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society in Japan (2020_1_40_011)
- Global seafarer labor market and Asia (2020_1_40_010)
- Sharing Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Global Value Chains: An Upgraded Algorithm and Its Applications (2020_1_40_008)
- Subway, City Boundary and Urban Politics: Comparative Case Studies of East Asian Cities (2019_2_40_018)
- The role of FDI and industrial clusters in industrial development: A comparative study of Thailand and India (2019_2_40_016)
- Regulations on the environment/food safety and international trade (2019_2_40_015)
- Deforestation and Infectious Diseases: A Case of Dengue Fever in Sri Lanka (2020_2_40_023)
- Development and Applications of World Crude Oil Model (2020_2_40_022)
- ASEAN Centrality in a Comparative Perspective (2020_2_40_021)
- An Economic Analysis of Chieftaincy and Patriarchy (2020_2_40_019)
- Compilation and use of the Japan-Taiwan extended bilateral input output table (2020_2_40_018)
- Economic Effects of Road Infrastructure Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion (2020_2_40_015)
- The long-term effects of civil war in developing economies (2020_2_40_014)
- Economic Impacts of Tariff Change in Asia (2020_2_40_012)
- The US-Sino Trade War and the Transformation of East Asian Economies (2020_2_40_011)
- Basic Research for Electronical Commerce and Physical Distribution in Asia (2020_1_40_007)
- Comparative analysis of watermelon export supply chains from Mekong countries to China (2020_1_40_006)
- "Sze Hai Tong Banking and Insurance Company" in Singapore Teochew Community: Socio-Economical role in the first of the 20th Century. (2020_1_40_005)
- Asymmetric information and Anti-Dumping Duty (2020_1_40_004)
- Lancang Mekong Cooperation Summit (2019_2_40_013)
- Investment policy and investment treaty practice: Comparison between China and Japan (2019_2_40_012)
- Estimation of Updating the Asian International Input-Output Table and its Applications to analyses of the Global Supply-Chains (2019_2_40_011)
- Advanced Applications of East Asian Econometric Models (2019_2_40_010)
- Vocational Education, Employment, and Economic Development in the Philippines (2019_2_40_009)
- Structural Transformation, Diversification, and Economic Development (2019_2_40_008)
- Challenges of digitalization for industrial upgrading; A case study of Thailand (2019_2_40_006)
- Labour Reforms in India (2020_2_40_010)
- Multiple transformation processes in South Africa-Japan relations in the period of transition from apartheid to democracy (2020_2_40_009)
- Water and Geopolitics in the Middle East and the Nile Basin: Local Actors, Middle East Powers and Superpowers (2020_2_40_007)
- Clientelism, market mechanism, and economic statecraft: Political economy of China-Taiwan relations (2020_2_40_006)
- Livelihood of the people with disabilities in Vietnam (2020_2_40_005)
- Populism in India: "The World's Largest Democracy" under the Modi Government (2020_2_40_004)
- Inequality and intergenerational mobility in Vietnam (2020_2_40_001)
- Development of Economic Diplomacy in post-war Thai-Japan Relation (2020_1_40_001)
- Sub-national Legislative Election Under Authoritarian Regime (2019_2_40_004)
- The Change of government in Malaysia: Its Background and Prospects (2019_2_40_003)
- Internatoinal Migraiotion of Nurses: The Case of Indian Nurses in Gulf Countries (2019_2_40_002)