Research Projects
FY 2020/2021
Current research projects are listed.
Browse by Category
- Post-COVID-19 world (2020_1_60_001)
- How Do “Innovation Networks” Emerge?: Sources, Issues, and Future Research (2020_2_60_003)
- Comprehensive Study and Information Dissemination Project on Human Migration (2020_3_60_002)
- Platform for Business and Human Rights: Responsible Business Conduct and Sustainability Policy’ (2020_3_60_001)
- Global Value Chain in Transition (2020_2_60_002)
- Survey Study on the Digital Economy (2020_2_60_001)
- Scientometric approach to Japanese studies on developing countries (2020_3_40_001)
- Horizon of Business and Human Rigts Study - Beyond the structual relationship between developed and developing countries (2020_2_40_029)
- Causal relationship and social agreement in the process of environmental and resource policy formation (2020_2_40_026)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society in Japan (2020_1_40_011)
- Sharing Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Global Value Chains: An Upgraded Algorithm and Its Applications (2020_1_40_008)
- Human Movement and International Relations in Pacific Island Countries (2019_2_40_019)
- Regulations on the environment/food safety and international trade (2019_2_40_015)
- Private Standards and International Trade: An Economic Analysis on Soft Law (2020_2_40_020)
- Participation, Upgrading and Structure of the Global Value Chains (2020_2_40_017)
- Asymmetric information and Anti-Dumping Duty (2020_1_40_004)
- Sub-national Legislative Election Under Authoritarian Regime (2019_2_40_004)