Research Activities

Research Projects

Horizon of Business and Human Rigts Study - Beyond the structual relationship between developed and developing countries (2020_2_40_029)


In 2011, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights was unanimously endorsed. Since then, led by EU member states, many countries have published their own national action plans (NAPs) on business and human rights in order to reflect and implement the UN guiding principles in their concrete policies and measures. This research will examine the trade policies and measures outlined in the NAPs of both developed and developing countries, through the lens of human rights, by looking at their directives, characteristics, scopes, methods, and impacts. The analysis will clarify whether the governance gap that the UN guiding principles meant to fill is narrowed in practice by the policy measures spelled out in the NAPs of the developed and developing countries. The outcome of the research will draw out implications for the Japanese government, which is in the process of drafting an NAP, as well as for Japanese businesses with overseas operations and for Japanese society as whole, dedicated to sustainable development goals based on respect for human rights.


April 2020 - March 2022

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] Yamada Miwa
  • IDE Research Bulletin / Discussion Paper