Research Activities
Research Projects
Internatoinal Migraiotion of Nurses: The Case of Indian Nurses in Gulf Countries (2019_2_40_002)
Recently, the international mobility of nurses has increased. This research aims to examine the characteristics of foreign-trained nurses, along with the factors, processes, and consequences of international nurse migration. The example is taken from Indian nurses in some Gulf countries based on surveys in the latter.
April 2019 - March 2022
Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] | Tsujita Yuko |
[ Co-researcher ] | Oda Hisaya (Ritsumeikan UniversityProfessor) |
[ Co-researcher ] | Irudaya S. Rajan (Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananth apuramProfessor) |
- IDE Research Bulletin / Discussion Paper