Related Publications & Reports
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- "Kōichi Nomura "Theoretical Implications of the Great Cultural Revolution on State Science: A Challenge to Modern States "(Volume 9 Number 4 (December 1971) )"(The Developing Economies)
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Latest Publications
Discussion Paper
- "Bringing Non-governmental Actors into the Policymaking Process: The Case of Local Development Policy in Thailand "
- "Social movements and the crisis of neoliberalism in Malaysia and Thailand "
- "Preliminary Discussions on the Urbanization of Rural Areas in Modern Iran "
- "Casting a Voice for Rural Struggles during Apartheid: The Case of AFRA "
- "From Authoritarianism to Upheaval: the Political Economy of the Syrian Uprising and Regime Persistence "
Research Projects
- A Migrant’s First Year: Family, Workplace, and Community in Japan
- Analysis of the Political Consequences of the Student Movement in Chile: On the Policy Change from Neoliberalism to Universal Social Rights
- Transformation of public perception on entanglement between Islam and politics in Indonesia
- Transformation of local governance system and civil society in Thailand: A Case study of the Khonkaen Model
- A Preliminary Study on the living environment of Children in Asian Countries
- Indonesia at a Juncture: Evaluation of the Jokowi Government and Challenges for the Next Government
- Feminist Movement and Debate on "Honor Killing"in Turkey
- An Analysis of Conflicts with Global Survey Data
- Publication of Latin America Report
- Africa Report
- Indonesia at a Juncture: Evaluation of the Jokowi Government and Challenges for the Next Government
- Feminist Movement and Debate on "Honor Killing" in Turkey
- The Dynamics of the Predominant Party System: The Case of Turkey
- An Analysis of Conflicts with Global Survey Data
- "New Labor Movements" in Asian Economies
- Preparing a textbook and teaching materials for contemporary politics in Latin America
- Social values and public support for social policy in developing countries: The Turkish case
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society
- Publication of Latin America Report
- Africa Report
- Publication of Latin America Report(2022_1_30_003)
- "New Labor Movements" in Asian Economies(2022_2_40_008)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society (2022_2_40_016)
- Labor Reforms in India(2020_2_40_010)
- Multiple transformation processes in South Africa-Japan relations in the period of transition from apartheid to democracy(2020_2_40_009)
- Authoritarian Backlash and Neo-Liberalism: Six Years of the Duterte Administration(2021_2_40_005)
- Preparing a textbook and teaching materials for contemporary politics in Latin America(2022_2_40_001)
- Social values and public support for social policy in developing countries: The Turkish case(2022_2_40_010)
- Publication of Latin America Report(2020_1_30_003)
- The Predominant Party System in Turkey(2020_2_40_008)
- Labor Reforms in India(2020_2_40_010)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society in Japan (2020_1_40_011)
- Multiple transformation processes in South Africa-Japan relations in the period of transition from apartheid to democracy(2020_2_40_009)
- Authoritarian Backlash and Neo-Liberalism: Six Years of the Duterte Administration(2021_2_40_005)
- Labour Reforms in India (2020_2_40_010)
- Multiple transformation processes in South Africa-Japan relations in the period of transition from apartheid to democracy (2020_2_40_009)
- The Predominant Party System in Turkey (2020_2_40_008)
- Joint Research on Contemporary Political Communication (2020_2_40_003)
- New Labor Movements in Emerging Economies (2018_2_40_009)
- Issues and Questions Concerning Current Political Communication Studies: A Preliminary Study (2019_1_40_003)
- State formation in the Modern Middle East: Example from Colonial Algeria (2019_1_40_002)
- Disability and Development in the Middle East(2018_1_40_004)
- New Labor Movements in the Emerging Economies (2018_2_40_009)
- Political, Economic and Social Issues in Latin America(2018_1_30_003)
- Comparative Studies of Southeast Asian Politics(2017_2_20_001)
- How Kurdish Issues Affect Political Stability in the Middle East(2018_1_10_003)
- Analytical Perspectives on Distributive Politics: Examining Pork-barrel Politics and Political Clientelism (2017_1_40_006)
- Communist Single-Party Rule and Mass Organizations: Case Study of Vietnam and Cuba (2017_2_40_006)