[Belonging・Position] Executive Vice President
[Research Field] Area studies (South Asia, India and Bangladesh), gender studies, labor issues, regional relationship in South Asia and beyond
[email] Mayumi_Murayama E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

My fields and topics of research were chosen as the result of series of coincidences. After joining the JETRO Institute of Developing Economies, I was assigned to work on Bangladesh. By coincidence, my scope of research was extended to cover first India’s North Eastern Region, and then India as a whole. The same is also true for the selection of my research topic. During my first trip to Bangladesh, I happened to visit some old factories. The experience led to my first research topic, the growth and development of the Bangladeshi private sector. My research on the readymade garment industry, which has become a major source of growth, let me to explore issues of labor and gender. My research on India’s North Eastern Region made me realize the importance of seeing the area (Bangladesh and mainland India) from different perspectives. At present, I am still following those interrelated fields and topics based on relative perspectives.

Current research projects

Although it is difficult to find enough time for research at moment, I have two topics that I hope to be able to work on soon. One is a comprehensive review of Bangladesh, which is expected to graduate from its status as a Least Developed Ccountry (LDC). Based on the literature and available data, I would like to trace the trajectory of Bangladesh’s progress from the past to the present and on into the future. The other topic is related to youth employment and unemployment. By conducting a follow-up survey in a resettlement colony in Delhi, India, I would like to examine the changes over the past 10 years. I hope to expand this line of research to cover Bangladesh and investigate how recent economic growth has affected youth of different backgrounds.