Publications & Reports
Latest Reports
- Takaaki Kishida, Masanori Matsuura-Kannari, Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam"Revisiting Birth Order Effects on Child Health: Evidence from Bangladesh"(IDE Discussion Papers)
- CHIBANA Izumi"Human factors in the Philippine shipping industry: an analysis of challenges and opportunities"(BRC Research Report No.33)
- Kosei Yamada"Do Chinese Judges Go Green?: Quantitative Approach to Measure Eco-Civilization Thoughts in Judgements"(IDE Discussion Papers)
- Miwa YAMADA"Why Did Thailand’s Former Military Government Move Swiftly to Create a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights?"October 2023(IDE ResearchColumns No.40)
- CHIBANA Izumi"Challenges and Conditions for Sustainable Seafarer Supply: A Case of the Philippines"(BRC Research Report No.32)
- So UMEZAKI"E-Commerce Provisions in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: A Milestone for a Global Rule?"2022/8/2(IDE ResearchColumns No.13)
- Etsuyo MICHIDA"Friend or Foe? Global and Local Sustainability Standards in the Palm Oil Sector"2022/7/5(IDE ResearchColumns No.11)
- Yuya KUDO"Discriminatory Cultural Practices and Female Empowerment: Does Legal Prohibition Lead to a Better Life for Women?"2022/6/8(IDE ResearchColumns No.08)
- Zhe Ren"Is land right confirmation the first step toward privatization?"(IDE Discussion Papers)
- THONGCHAI Winichakul""The Legacies of the Past in the Modern Rule of Law in Thailand""(IDE Research Bulletin)
Latest Publications
Discussion Paper
- "Revisiting Birth Order Effects on Child Health: Evidence from Bangladesh"
- "Do Chinese Judges Go Green?: Quantitative Approach to Measure Eco-Civilization Thoughts in Judgements"
- "Is land right confirmation the first step toward privatization?"
- "A Review of China’s and Japan’s International Engagement in South America: The Cases of Brazil, Chile and Venezuela "
- "Politicisation of the Appointment and Removal of Judges in a Declining Democracy: The Case of Bangladesh"
Seminars & Events
Research Projects
- A Migrant’s First Year: Family, Workplace, and Community in Japan
- Party-Judicial Relationship in Contemporary Chinese Politics
- Domestic Institution and International Cooperation: The Case of Intellectual Property Protection
- The Criminal Politics in the Drug Trafficking Route
- Structural change and agricultural resource allocation in rural Thailand
- The Business Strategy of Merachnats and the Weakly-organized Market in Iran
- International Treaty Making on Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO
- A Preliminary Study on the living environment of Children in Asian Countries
- Business and Human Rights: Global Trends and Asia
- Environmental governance in China: environmentalism and authoritarianism
- Criminal Justice Reform in Thailand
- Transition of Disability Law and Institution in Asia
- Climate Change Governance under Sino-US Rivalry
- Legal and political institutions in the sphere of social norms: Economic analyses of colonization and the right of a married couple to use separate surnames
- Africa Report
- Business and Human Rights: Global Trends and Asia
- What is anti-corruption? Text analysis of discipline inspection of CCP
- Environmental governance in China: environmentalism and authoritarianism
- Persistence and Transformation of Cambodia's Authoritarian Regime during the Hun Sen Government
- Criminal Justice Reform in Thailand
- Development Strategy and Green Economy in Thailand
- Transition of Disability Law and Institution in Asia
- Social Transformation of the Arab Gulf States under the Promoting Social Engagement of Youth
- Family Politics in Sri Lanka
- Constitutional Revisions and Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism: Anatomy of Trilateralism and Quadruplism
- Interdisciplinary approaches for the One Health research
- Business Alliance in Iran-The Function and Organization of the Chamber of Commerce
- Legal and political institutions in the sphere of social norms: Economic analyses of colonization and the right of a married couple to use separate surnames
- ビジネスと人権:責任ある企業行動およびサステナビリティに関する政策提言プロジェクト
- Africa Report
- Platform for Business and Human Rights: Responsible Business Conduct and Sustainability Policy’(2020_3_60_001)
- Africa Report(2022_1_30_002)
- Efforts to Address the Safety Issues of Foreigners in Sao Paulo, the City of Immigrants
- Constitutional Revisions and Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism: Anatomy of Trilateralism and Quadruplism
- A New Horizon of Business and Human Rights Study - Beyond the structure of developed countries vs developing countries
- Social Transformation of the Arab Gulf States under the Promoting Social Engagement of Youth
- Interdisciplinary approaches for the One Health research
- Criminal Justice in Thailand
- Formation process of environmental policy under authoritarian regime in Taiwan
- Legal and political institutions in the sphere of social norms: Economic analyses of colonization and the right of a married couple to use separate surnames
- Labor Reforms in India
- Political Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Asia
- Private standards/certifications and international trade: Practices of soft law and perspective from economics
- Family Politics in Sri Lanka
- Climate Change Governance under Sino-US Rivalry
- Business Alliance in Iran-The Function and Organization of the Chamber of Commerce