Related Publications & Reports
Latest Reports
- "Shigeyoshi Jinushi "Social Security System in Transition "(Volume 10 Number 4 (December 1972) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Satoshi Kawamoto "Japan’s Social Welfare and Public Investment in International Context(1MB) "(Volume 10 Number 4 (December 1972) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Shigeyoshi Jinushi "Towards Life Cycle Planning for Social Welfare in Postwar Japan "(Volume 14 Number 4 (December 1976) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Gautam Datta and Parthasarathi Shome "Social Security and Household Savings: Asian Experience "(Volume 19 Number 2 (June 1981) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Steven R. Tabor and M. Husein Sawit "Social Protection via Rice: The OPK Rice Subsidy Program in Indonesia "(Volume 39 Number 3 (September 2001) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Sudarno Sumarto Asep Suryahadi and Wenefrida Widyanti "Designs and Implementation of Indonesian Social Safety Net Programs "(Volume 40 Number 1 (March 2002) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Lin Chen-Wei "The Policymaking Process for the Social Security System in Taiwan: The National Health Insurance and National Pension Program "(Volume 40 Number 3 (September 2002) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Koichi Usami "Introduction: Comparative Study of Social Security Systems in Asia and Latin America -A Contribution to the Study of Emerging Welfare States- "(Volume 42 Number 2 (June 2004) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Kim Jo-Seol "Formation and Development of the Welfare State in the Republic of Korea: Process of Reform of the Public Assistance System "(Volume 42 Number 2 (June 2004) )"(The Developing Economies)
- "Lin Chen-Wei "State Reformation and the Formation of a Newly Emerging Welfare State in Taiwan "(Volume 42 Number 2 (June 2004) )"(The Developing Economies)
Discussion Paper
- "Influence of Social Institutions on Inequality in China "
- "Fiscal Decentralization, Chinese Style: Good for Health Outcomes? "
- "The Changing Nature of Employment and the Reform of Labor and Social Security Legislation in Post-Apartheid South Africa "
- "Re-thinking Argentina’s Labour and Social Security Reform in the 1990s: Agreement on Competitive Corporatism "
- "Negotiating Social Assistance: The Case of the Urban Poor in Turkey "
Research Projects
- Analysis of the Political Consequences of the Student Movement in Chile: On the Policy Change from Neoliberalism to Universal Social Rights
- A Preliminary Study on the living environment of Children in Asian Countries
- Survival Strategies and Dietary Changes for Ethiopian Urban Residents
- Preparing a textbook for Latin America societies in the 21st century
- Indonesia at a Juncture: Evaluation of the Jokowi Government and Challenges for the Next Government
- Publication of Latin America Report
- Africa Report
- Survival Strategies and Dietary Changes for Ethiopian Urban Residents
- Preparing a textbook for Latin America societies in the 21st century
- Indonesia at a Juncture: Evaluation of the Jokowi Government and Challenges for the Next Government
- Transnational Social Protection in Southern Africa
- Social values and public support for social policy in developing countries: The Turkish case
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society
- Publication of Latin America Report
- Africa Report
- Publication of Latin America Report(2022_1_30_003)
- Transnational Social Protection in Southern Africa(2022_2_40_006)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society (2022_2_40_016)
- Livelihood of the people with disabilities in Vietnam during the Doi Moi period(2020_2_40_005)
- Social values and public support for social policy in developing countries: The Turkish case(2022_2_40_010)
- Publication of Latin America Report(2020_1_30_003)
- The Predominant Party System in Turkey(2020_2_40_008)
- Social Protection and Values: The Case of Turkey(2019_2_40_005)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society in Japan (2020_1_40_011)
- Livelihood of the people with disabilities in Vietnam during the Doi Moi period(2020_2_40_005)
- International Migration and Social Protection in Southern Africa(2021_1_40_004)
- Horizon of Business and Human Rigts Study - Beyond the structual relationship between developed and developing countries (2020_2_40_029)
- The Economic Policy of Moon Jae-in Administration (2020_2_40_025)
- Evolving Migrants: How Family Migration Shapes Economy and Society in Japan (2020_1_40_011)
- Livelihood of the people with disabilities in Vietnam (2020_2_40_005)
- Social Protection and Values: The Case of Turkey (2019_2_40_005)
- Singapore in Transition (2018_2_40_021)
- Political Economies in Africa (2019_1_30_002)
- Challenges to Spreading the Healthcare System in Vietnam (2018_2_40_006)
- Maldives Studies (2018_2_40_010)
- Social Protection and Values: The Case of Turkey (2019_2_40_005)
- Singapore in Transition(2018_2_40_021)
- Maldives Studies (2018_2_40_010)
- Challenges to Spreading the Healthcare System in Vietnam(2018_2_40_006)
- Political Economy in Africa(2018_1_30_002)
- Analytical Perspectives on Distributive Politics: Examining Pork-barrel Politics and Political Clientelism (2017_1_40_006)
- Challenge of building a suitable medical insurance system in Vietnam (2017_1_40_002)
- Dynamics and transformation of the Vietnamese family in the Doi Moi era (2016_2_40_005)