Research Activities

Research Projects

Transnational Social Protection in Southern Africa(2022_2_40_006)


The purpose of this research project is to examine the institutions and practices related to social protection for transnational migrants in southern Africa. International migration has been an integral part of southern African history since the late 19th century, but its character has changed significantly with the arrival of democracy in South Africa in the late 20th century. This research project discusses the strategies of migrants for coping with social risks in the fields of employment, health, and care. In so doing, we will focus not only on formal social protection in the forms of social security and social assistance for transnational migrants in both the origin and destination countries but also on the informal social protection arising from migrants‘ personal networks.


April 2022 - March 2024

Leader of the Research Project

Sato, Chizuko


Book published by IDE (Japanese)