Research Activities
Research Projects
International Migration and Social Protection in Southern Africa(2021_1_40_004)
International migration has been an integral part of southern African history since the South African gold mines recruited migrant workers from neighbouring countries in the late 19th century. While mine migration took place in a highly controlled environment and while mine workers from neighbouring countries were denied the right to settle in South Africa, the face of international migration in the region has changed significantly with the arrival of democracy in the late 20th century. An increasing number of regular and irregular migrants are now working in urban hospitality sectors and are running informal businesses. The proportion of women migrants has increased, and we have also witnessed the new flow of refugees and asylum-seekers from further north. The host society's perceptions and attitudes toward these migrants also changed and became increasingly hostile. Against this backdrop, this research project aims to discuss existing policies and institutions so as to provide social protection to international migrants in the region, along with the challenges that need to be surmounted so as to ensure effectiveness.
April 2021 - March 2022
Leader of the Research Project