[Belonging・Position] Southeast Asian Studies Group II, Area Studies Center
[Research Field] Vietnamese Studies
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

After joining the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) in October 1994, I started researching Vietnam. My first task was to assess current affairs in Vietnam by collecting and analyzing a wide range of local materials and information. I had the opportunity to organize a study group for the first time in 2005–2006, which examined the relationship between the state and society in Vietnam and aimed to understand the dynamism of the Doi Moi renewal policies. As part of that group, I began researching social security and social welfare, particularly for people with disabilities in Vietnam. Because I was originally interested in these subjects. And I continue to conduct research on social security and social welfare in Vietnam today.

Current research projects

My research focuses mainly on social security and social welfare in Vietnam. Recent research topics include the livelihoods of persons with disabilities, the medical system, the medical insurance system, the overall picture of social security, and the social welfare regime. In Vietnam, the Doi Moi renewal policies were adopted by the 6th Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in December 1986, which promoted the transition from economic management with a planned economy to economic management based on a market economy. Since the mid-1990s, industrialization and modernization have also been promoted. Consequently, the socio-economic structure and social structure of Vietnam have been undergoing a transformation. My research aims to understand how the Vietnamese people are working to maintain and protect their lives in the midst of such changes.