Seminars & Events
APL (Ajiken Power Lunch)
The APL (Ajiken Power Lunch) is a research seminar open to all. The disciplinary focus is economics and closely related fields. Presentations are in English.
Meetings are usually held on Thursdays, from 12:00 noon to 13:15pm, in-person at the IDE-JETRO campus in Kaihinmakuhari. No lunch is served but you are welcome to bring your own “brown bag.” You may also participate online with prior registration.
The APL meeting schedule is posted on this website and updated as necessary. If you are outside IDE and would like to receive schedule updates and reminders by email, please contact us at the link below.
We encourage in-person attendance at APL. All visitors are welcome, but security measures require that non-IDE participants register in advance and check in at the IDE main entrance on arrival. Please email us no later than the day before the seminar you would like to attend.
Email: APL
- February 27, 2025. (Thursday) Accepting [APL] Masaru Nagashima (IDE-JETRO): Did Africa's First National Free ART Programme Trigger Risk Compensation? Evidence from Botswana's HIV/AIDS Response
- February 20, 2025. (Thursday) Accepting [APL] Ms Momoka Takasu (Daiwa Institute of Research): Gender Income Gap Created by Childbirth and Childcare: Child Penalty in Japan
- February 13, 2025. (Thursday) [APL] Mr Shafiqullah Yousafzai (University of Tsukuba): Are the Benefits of Increasing Exports Equal? Evidence from Night Lights Data and Exogenous Export Variations
- November 21, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Daniel Suryadarma (Asian Development Bank Institute): Catching Up is Hard to Do: Intra-Curricular Technology Adoption, Teacher Training and Student Learning Gaps
- October 24, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Lisa Murken (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research): The role of tenure security in farmers’ decision-making on investment in improved seeds: Insights from mental models
- October 21, 2024. (Monday) [APL] Dr Hyun-Hoon Lee (Kangwon National University): Examining the Risks of the Japanification of China's and Korea's Economies
- October 3, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Kiyoyasu Tanaka (IDE-JETRO): From Walking to Driving: The Economic Impact of Mountain Roads
- September 12, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Ko Sugiura (Ghent University): Econometric Evaluation of Industrial Policies in Macroeconomic Models of Sectoral Production Networks and Firm-Level Strategic Interactions
- September 5, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Akira Sasahara (Keio University): Immigration, Trade with China, and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Japan
- July 25, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Dr Anton C. Yang (Yale University): Water Depletion is Becoming a Global Crisis: A Comprehensive Economics-to-Physics Feedback Mechanism
- June 20, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Relwendé Apollinaire Nikiema (IDE-JETRO): Gender gap in agricultural productivity and crops' selection: Evidence from Burkina Faso
- May 23, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Professor Budy Resosudarmo (Australian National University): Is it a Curse or a Blessing to Have Resource-Rich Neighbors?
- May 16, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Masaru Nagashima: Abortion Legalisation and Adolescent Consequences among Females in the Developing World
- April 11, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Professor Asad Islam: Delivering remote learning in developing countries using a low-tech solution: evidence from Bangladesh
- March 7, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] The effectiveness of environmental provisions in trade agreements by Professor Jean-Frédéric Morin
- February 8, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Face-to-Face Communication and Production Networks: Evidence from First Trans-Siberian Flights by Kiyoyasu Tanaka
- January 25, 2024. (Thursday) [APL] Assessing the economic and environmental impacts of border carbon adjustments, by Professor Tom Rutherford, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- February 6, 2020. (Thursday) [APL] Psychological Capital of Women in Flower Growing Business:An Analysis of Japan and Sri Lanka
- January 24, 2020. (Friday) [APL] Agro-based industrialisation in Southeast Asia: current status, lessons and perspectives
- November 28, 2019. (Thursday) [APL] Land and Youth Migration in Africa: The Case of Two Districts from the Highlands of Ethiopia
- November 13, 2019. (Wednesday) [APL] Developing Asia's Short-Term Economic Outlook - the View from ADB
- August 2, 2019. (Friday) [APL] Consumer Shopping Value: An Investigation of Shopping Trip Value, In-store Shopping Value and Retail Format
- August 2, 2019. (Friday) [APL] Consumption Preference for Rice in Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and China:What Are Major Influencers ?
- July 26, 2019. (Friday) [APL] A Field Experiment on Skill-Based School Health Education in Rural Bangladesh
- July 12, 2019. (Friday) [APL] Trade and Political Fragmentation on the Silk Roads: The Economic and Cultural Effects of Historical Exchange between China and the Muslim East
- July 4, 2019. (Thursday) [APL] Growth, health and gender imbalance: evidence from India
- June 17, 2019. (Monday) [APL] Firm Performance in an African Environment: The Food Processsing Sub-sector in Zambia
- June 12, 2019. (Wednesday) [APL] On Misratings in Sovereign Credit Risk: A Frontier Approach
- May 16, 2019. (Thursday) [APL] Geographic mobility and the wage of the U.S. nurses
- April 25, 2019. (Thursday) [APL] Roman Roads to Prosperity: Persistence and Non-persistence in Public Goods Provision
- April 10, 2019. (Wednesday) [APL] Industrial Agglomeration in Myanmar (joint with Finn Tarp, John Rand and Helge Zille)
- April 9, 2019. (Tuesday) [APL] Autobahns and Jobs
- March 20, 2019. (Wednesday) [APL] Escaping the Middle Income Trap: China and Malaysia Compared
- March 11, 2019. (Monday) [APL] Technology Embedded in Capital Inputs and Employment (joint with Samuel Nursamu, ERIA)
- February 25, 2019. (Monday) [APL] Global Adjustment to Disengagement of the US from the World Trading System
- January 28, 2019. (Monday) [APL] Getting Published - in English!
- January 24, 2019. (Thursday) [APL] Famine and Wealth Inequality: Evidence from China
- January 18, 2019. (Friday) [APL] Neoliberal Competition and Local Advantage: A Case of a Japanese Car Parts Factory in the Small Island Developing State of Samoa
- December 21, 2018. (Friday) [APL] Revisiting the Impacts of Exchange Rate Movement on the Dollarization Process in Cambodia
- December 20, 2018. (Thursday) [APL] Natural disasters and trade – Presentation by WTO Secretariat
- December 14, 2018. (Friday) [APL] Barriers to Joining a Public Pension Program in a Developing Country
- December 13, 2018. (Thursday) [APL] From Critique to Fatigue: South Africa's GEAR Strategy and the Elusive Paradigmatic Shift
- December 3, 2018. (Monday) [APL] The Dynamics of JGBs' Nominal Yields
- July 19, 2018. (Thursday) [APL] Mini Workshop on International Relations
- July 2, 2018. (Monday) [APL] African Entrepreneurs in the new Millennium: Can the "Cheetah Generation" Transform Africa?
- June 22, 2018. (Friday) [APL] Presidents, Governing Coalitions, and Legislative Activism in Brazil
- June 15, 2018. (Friday) [APL] The effect of Trade on Labour Share and TFP Growth of Indian Industries
- May 30, 2018. (Wednesday) [APL] How Climate Change Affects the Cost of Debt for the World’s Most Vulnerable Developing Countries
- May 9, 2018. (Wednesday) [APL] Poverty and Migration in the Digital Age: Experimental Evidence on Mobile Banking in Bangladesh
- April 25, 2018. (Wednesday) [APL] Ambiguous Decolonization: Nativizing Social Science and the U.S.-Indonesia Intellectual Exchanges
- April 9, 2018. (Monday) [APL] Data and Topics for a Study on Urbanization in Asia and Pacific
- March 27, 2018. (Tuesday) [APL] Beyond the SUTVA: The dynamic impact of management training and subsequent information spillover on agricultural performance in Cote d’Ivoire
- March 23, 2018. (Friday) [APL] The Violent Consequences of Trade-Induced Worker Displacement in Mexico
- March 20, 2018. (Tuesday) [APL] Regional Loan Distribution in Turkey: The Role of Distance, Political Connection, and Electoral Cycle
- March 19, 2018. (Monday) [APL] Consequences of Cambodian Refugees
- January 12, 2018. (Friday) [APL] Kurdish tribes, ethnic identity and the Middle Eastern state
- December 18, 2017. (Monday) [APL] Voices from the Edge: Justice, Agency and the Plight of Floating Sex Workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- December 4, 2017. (Monday) [APL] Purdah, dowry and development in Pakistan
- November 30, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Prospects for the Global Economy
- November 22, 2017. (Wednesday) [APL] Analysis of Taiwan’s Current Status and Opportunity toward ASEAN Market from Global Industry Linkage Table
- November 15, 2017. (Wednesday) [APL] Russia's foreign policy: Double-headed eagle acting not too legal
- November 10, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Diffusion of automation technologies and their potential and actual effects on manufacturing employment in India
- October 31, 2017. (Tuesday) [APL] After Dung: Navigating the Uncertain State and Direction of Vietnam's politics
- October 27, 2017. (Friday) [APL] The impact on armed conflicts of the interaction between climate change and natural resources
- October 10, 2017. (Tuesday) [APL] Internationalization and State Actions in Latin America
- August 31, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] A Review of the Literature on Productivity Impacts of Global Value Cains and Foreign Direct Investment: Towards an Integrated Approach
- August 9, 2017. (Wednesday) [APL] #CANCELED# Transnational Movements and Water Governance in Mekong Sub-region
- August 4, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Trade for the Environment: Transboundary Hazardous Waste Movements after th Basel Convention
- August 3, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Assortative Matching and Complementarity in College Markets
- July 21, 2017. (Friday) [APL] A New Method of Inter-Regional Input-Output Analysis under Modern Economic Frameworks: Isard Revisited
- July 13, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Exclusion, Polarization, and Coup Vulnerability: An Institutional Approach
- June 23, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Identifying Neighborhood Effects among Firms: Evidence from Location Lotteries of the Tokyo Fish Market
- June 8, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Value-added Gains and Job Opportunities in Global Value Chains: A Brain-storming Discussion
- May 29, 2017. (Monday) [APL] Using Commodity Flow Surveys for the Analysis of Inter-Urban Freight Flows: The French Case
- May 11, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Shopping externalities and retail concentration:Evidence from Dutch shopping streets
- March 17, 2017. (Friday) [APL] 1) The Valuation of Changes in Commuting Distances: An Analysis using Georeferenced Data; 2) Reexamining Persistency of Population Shocks: Evidence from the Occupation of West Germany after WWII
- March 16, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] The role of research in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- March 9, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] COMPARATIVE MODELS OF UNIVERSITIES –trends, social and oganizational pathways
- February 28, 2017. (Tuesday) [APL] Frugal Innovation, Global Value Chains and Local Economic Development
- February 27, 2017. (Monday) [APL] Boostrapping growth in Latin America: O&G local content policy and the emergence of a new corporate production system
- February 24, 2017. (Friday) [APL] The Quality of Distance: Quality Sorting, Alchian-Allen Effect, and Geography
- February 10, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Geopolitical Aspects of Demodernization
- January 27, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Geopolitical Aspects of Demodernization
- January 27, 2017. (Friday) [APL] Which Tail Matters? Inequality and Growth in Brazil
- January 18, 2017. (Wednesday) [APL] Stories and Statistics: Social Identity, Life-Threatening Risks, the Study of Political Violence (Gunes Murat Tezcur) / Gender studies and socoal science (TBA) (Zeynep Kaya)
- January 16, 2017. (Monday) [APL] TICAD in the context of the Development Cooperation Charter of 2015
- January 12, 2017. (Thursday) [APL] Federalism and institutional change in Brazil, 1891-2016
- December 13, 2016. (Tuesday) [APL] Willingness to Accept Compensation for Ambient Large-scale Broiler Farm Air Pollution
- December 7, 2016. (Wednesday) [APL] The Economics of Helicopter Money
- November 24, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Private Standards in the Context of Global Governance (APL Seminar Series on Global Governance)
- October 28, 2016. (Friday) [APL] The Social inclusion of Syrian refugees in Turkey
- October 20, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Examining the impact of insurance on healthcare utilisation and provider choice using a natural experiment in South Africa
- October 4, 2016. (Tuesday) [APL] Development and Environmental Challenge for Caribbean SIDS (Small Island Developing State)
- September 27, 2016. (Tuesday) [APL] Urbanization and Economic Development: A Tale of Two Barriers
- September 15, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Socio-economic and socio-political trends in the GCC
- August 18, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Perceptions of Japan's GGP Projects and Local Politics in Uganda
- August 4, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Political Representation, Redistribution, and Regional Development: Assessing the Development Rationale for Legislative Malapportionment in Brazil
- August 3, 2016. (Wednesday) [APL] #CANCELED# Book Launch "A World of Three Cultures: Honor, Achievement and Joy"
- July 20, 2016. (Wednesday) [APL] Sustainable Development Goals and Millennium Development Goals: an analysis of the shaping and negotiation process
- July 14, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] The Emancipatory Power of Basic Income: An Optimistic Note from Indian Experience
- June 27, 2016. (Monday) [APL] Regional Inequality in India
- June 10, 2016. (Friday) [APL] International Mobility, Global Capitalism, and Changing Structures of Accumulation: Transforming the Japan-India IT Relationship
- May 27, 2016. (Friday) [APL] Is this the end of the road? Will life-time earnings for the average female ever lift to 66 cents in the average male dollar?
- May 26, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Price Competition in Product Variety Networks
- May 24, 2016. (Tuesday) [APL] Cross-Border Skills Education in Environmental and Natural Resources Law as a New Field of Expertise in Asia
- May 19, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Temporary Jobs and Globalization
- April 28, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] The Hidden Skills Africa Needs Now to Achieve Agenda 2063: Focus on Youth.
- March 31, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] China's Quality Competition in Manufacturing Sectors: Evidence from Guangdong Province
- February 25, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] <How to produce green subject?> Technology, power and conflict in a geothermal project in Central Rift Valley, Kenya
- February 19, 2016. (Friday) [APL] Indonesian Science and Technology and Innovation Development under New Administration Changes
- February 18, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Impact of Rural Electrification on Children's Nutrition Status in Bangladesh
- February 16, 2016. (Tuesday) [APL] An Empirical Assessment of Defensive Innovation to Chinese Import Competition in Japan
- February 12, 2016. (Friday) [APL] Macroeconomic Foundation for Structural Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- February 4, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] Short and Longer Run Impacts of Kaizen Management Training: The Case in Tanzania
- January 29, 2016. (Friday) [APL] China’s OBOR Initiative and its Implication to Australia Economy
- January 27, 2016. (Wednesday) [APL] The effect of economic statecraft on public opinion: the case of the Russia-Ukraine gas disputes
- January 21, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] The Changing Dimensions of India-Japan Partnership: Strategic and Economic
- January 14, 2016. (Thursday) [APL] A simple model of the Chinese Hukou System and some ongoing reforms
- December 21, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Democracy-growth dynamics for richer and poorer countries
- December 15, 2015. (Tuesday) [APL] The Skill Structure of Export Wage Premium: Evidence from Chinese Matched Employer-employee Data
- December 11, 2015. (Friday) [APL] What African Development Post-2015: Insights from Global Governance & Human Security
- November 26, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] The rise and fall of multinational enterprises in Vietnam: survival analysis using census data during 2000-2011
- November 19, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] The impact of Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authority Reform on Tax Buoyancy: Empirical Evidence from Malawi's Tax System
- November 16, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Can Solar Lanterns Improve Youth Academic Performance? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh
- October 29, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] Nomadic Computation: Analysis of African Pastoralism Using Agent-Based Modeling and Satellite Imagery
- October 16, 2015. (Friday) [APL] Limits to Economic Growth and the Effect of Redistribution in Mexico
- October 15, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] Is there a Trade-off between Employment and Productivity?
- October 13, 2015. (Tuesday) [APL] China vs. Europe and Japan: a Comparative Institutional Analysis of China’s Institution, Its Origin and Its Evolution
- October 1, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] Air pollution and food prices: Evidence from Beijing, China
- September 18, 2015. (Friday) [APL] Coasian Economics Meets “三現主義”: From Methodology to Ontology
- September 9, 2015. (Wednesday) [APL] Making International Aid Effective: An Agenda for Aligning Aid to Social Business
- September 4, 2015. (Friday) [APL] The Curse of Berlin: Africa after the Cold War
- August 17, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Risk-Taking, Market Selection and Income Mobility:Theory and Applications
- August 3, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Do Place-Based Policies Work? Micro-Level Evidence from China's Economic Zones Program
- July 23, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] Is car-steel’s fate in the hands of China’s fate? an input-output based material flow analysis of car-steel in China
- July 21, 2015. (Tuesday) [APL] Double for Nothing? Experimental Evidence on the Impact of an Unconditional Teacher Salary Increase on Student Performance in Indonesia
- July 17, 2015. (Friday) [APL] Economic and Corruption Voting under a Predominant Party System
- July 13, 2015. (Monday) [APL] The Wage Premiums for Exporters and Multinational Enterprises: Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data
- July 6, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Benefits of Home Currency Invoicing
- June 12, 2015. (Friday) [APL] Governance and oil: The case of Turkana, Kenya
- June 8, 2015. (Monday) [APL] (1) Subaltern Urbanisation and Development Impasse in Bihar, India (2) Growth, Inequality and Poverty in India
- June 8, 2015. (Monday) [APL] Measuring and Interpreting China's TFP Performance - An Industry Perspective
- June 5, 2015. (Friday) [APL] Assortative Matching of Exporters and Importers (with Kensuke Teshima and Enrique Seira)
- May 21, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] FEEDING THE DRAGON: China & Natural Resource Development in Oceania
- May 20, 2015. (Wednesday) [APL] From Global Savings Glut to Financing Infrastructure: The Advent of Investment Platforms' (with Rabah Arezki, Patrick Bolton, Frederic Samama, and Joseph Stiglitz)
- May 19, 2015. (Tuesday) [APL] Increasing Environmental Performance in a Context of Low Governmental Enforcement: Evidence From China
- May 18, 2015. (Monday) [APL] The Persistence of Low Long-Term Interest Rates in the U.S.
- April 23, 2015. (Thursday) [APL] 'Developing Countries participation in Global Value Chains - implications for trade and trade related policies'
- April 15, 2015. (Wednesday) [APL] Misallocation, Productivity, and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Vietnamese Manufacturing (with Doan Thi Thanh Ha)