Seminars & Events
APL (Ajiken Power Lunch)
Dr Daniel Suryadarma (Asian Development Bank Institute): Catching Up is Hard to Do: Intra-Curricular Technology Adoption, Teacher Training and Student Learning Gaps
Thursday, 21st of November, 12:00 to 1:15 p.m.
Most students in low- and middle-income countries enter formal secondary school lacking foundational mathematics skills. At the same time, secondary school teachers are often seen as inefficient in helping lagging students catch up on their foundational skills. We implemented a cluster randomized control trial in Indonesia to evaluate the impact of incorporating a computer-based adaptive learning software (CAL) within the curriculum to strengthen weak foundations and training teachers to improve higher-order skills in mathematics. The first treatment arm (HTO) consisted of only the software, while the second treatment arm (HTHT) combined the software with the training. After nine months of implementation, we find that neither treatment arm affected students' foundational skills. However, HTHT positively impacted students' higher-order skills by 0.05 standard deviations, equivalent to one-third of a school year. We found heterogeneous impacts by teachers' predicted ability: both interventions positively (negatively) improved overall learning for worse (better) teachers. The effects are concentrated on weaker students. We also find that student participation in CAL negatively affected their learning outcomes, but teacher training improved learning outcomes, especially of students of worse teachers.
Dr Daniel Suryadarma (Asian Development Bank Institute)
Institute of Developing Economies, APL Organizers
E-mail: APL