CSR Report(Corporate Social Resonsibility)

All data are collected in the Fiscal Year of 2008-2009.

Section6: Summary and Conclusion

It is now recognized that poverty reduction and sustainable development will not be achieved through government action alone.

Policy makers are paying increasing attention to the potential contribution of the private sector to such policy objectives.

The concept of CSR is sometimes used as shorthand for businesses’ contribution to sustainable development. A number of core development issues are already central to the international CRS agenda.

They include labour standards, human rights, education, health, child labour, poverty reduction, conflict and environmental impacts.

CSR is often associated with large companies and particularly with multinational and global enterprises. The international CSR agenda is dominated by OECD-based NGO’s, investors, consumers, business and business associations.

CSR has even on occasion attracted criticism for being insensitive to local priorities and the basic livelihood needs of people in developing countries, particularly where CSR codes of conduct are perceived as barriers to market access for some producers.

But the CSR agenda needs to be locally owned if it is to make a significant contribution to local development priorities – and it must be relevant to local enterprises, whether large or small.

This means creating a space to explore the relationship between business and society at a regional, national or local level and finding the appropriate language for these discussions.

As the extremely successful entrepreneur, Raymond Ackerman, founder of the multi billion Rand retailer, Pick n Pay, often cites: ‘Doing good is good business’.

This comment has been based on direct knowledge of developing and implementing sound, regular social responsibility programmes within the organizational structures and within the local communities.

Brand loyalty, customer brand ambassadorship and revenue are all direct results of this philosophy and in excess of R64 million is spent annually by this group in Southern Africa alone to maintain this brand loyalty, market leadership and country and people investment.

Other CSR spend, is distributed to various initiatives throughout Africa and the Boxer chain, also owned by the Pick n Pay group.
