Research Activities
Research Projects
One Belt One Road Initiative and New Developments in Chinese Foreign Policy(2017_1_10_002)
This research project intends to analyze China's "One Belt One Road" initiative as a foreign policy. First, we will make a broad overview of the argument in China regarding the initiative. Second, we will perform case studies on the targets, implementation systems and loan supply of AIIB for tie-in projects. Following these studies, the meanings and problems of the initiative from the viewpoints of the concerned countries will be analyzed. To achieve this, researchers in the relevant fields and countries, including the specialists of JICA, will investigate the problems mentioned above. We will place emphasis on clarifying the medium and long term purposes and landscape of the initiative.
April 2017 - March 2018
Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] | ONISHI Yasuo |
[ Co-researcher ] | UMEZAKI So |
[ Co-researcher ] | MATSUMOTO Haruka |
[ Co-researcher ] | KITANO Naohiro |
[ Co-researcher ] | Suehiro Akira (Professor, Gakushuin University) |
[ Co-researcher ] | Marukawa, Tomoo (Professor, The University of Tokyo) |
[ Co-researcher ] | Kawashima, Shin (Professor, The University of Tokyo) |
[ Co-researcher ] | Higashida, Masateru (Research Officer, JICA Research Institute) |
- IDE Policy Brief
- Others