Industrial Development in China and India: Comparison of the Clusters and Firms

Joint Research Program Series


Edited by Moriki Ohara and Koichiro Kimura
Published in March 2010

Preface (12KB)

Contributors (8.5KB)

Chapter 1
1. Introduction: the rise and codes of National Innovation Systems in China and India
2. Literature review and analytic framework
 2.1 National Innovation System as the basic analytic background
 2.2 Multidimensional innovation modes with core of innovation capabilities
3. Origins and growth dynamics of ICT Industries in China and India
 3.1 IT industry from the similar strategic starting point to different trajectories
  3.1.1 Evolving large scale manufacturing capabilities of Chinese hardware industry
  3.1.2 Evolving service capabilities of Indian software industry
4. Different innovation modes of ICT enterprises in China
 4.1 Enterprises’ gradual catch-up strategy
 4.2 National strategy of construction electronically strong country relying on self-innovation is initially forming
5. Conclusions
 5.1 Development of ICT industry form unbalance to balance
 5.2 Competition drives the innovation and development in ICT industry
 5.3 Innovation and development of China ICT companies are presenting a full range of integrated innovation and development trend
 5.4 An active interaction is being formation between the Chinese government and domestic enterprises’ innovation and development
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
2. Research Design and Methodology
3. The Automotive Industry in China
4. Environmental Policy
 4.1 Vehicle Emission Control Standards
 4.2 Alternative Fuel Vehicle Program
5. Government Support
 5.1 Central Government Support
 5.2 Local Government Support
6. Barriers to EV Adoption
 6.1 Consumer Acceptance
 6.2 Cost of Ownership
 6.3 Technology and Technical Capabilities
 6.4 Battery Performance
 6.5 Lack of Incentive Policies
7. Comparison with India
 7.1 Industry Characteristics
 7.2 Environmental Policy
 7.3 Government Support
 7.4 Comparison of India and China
8. Conclusions
9. References
Chapter 3
1. Literature Review
2. The Similarities and Differences of Main Machine Tool Manufacturing Countries in the IO of Technological Upgrading
3. IO and the Latecomers’ Technological Upgrading: Incentive
4. IO and the Latecomer’s Technological Upgrading: Specialization and Coordination
 4.1 Specialized R&D Structure
 4.2 Provision of the Experimental market
 4.3 Organizer of the network
 4.4 Acceleration of the Cross-border Technological Learning
 4.5 The Boundary of LIEs as the Engine of Technological Innovation
5. Conclusions and Policy Implications
Chapter 4
1. Introduction
2. The emergence of the ICT service industry in Dalian
3. The context for Dalian’s emergence as ICT service producing region
4. The ICT services industry in Dalian and the Japanese market
5. The role of standards in the rise and dominance of Bangalore
6. The impact of the Japanese market on ICT services industry in Dalian
7. Conclusions
Chapter 5
1. Introduction
2. The transformation of the Indian auto industry
 2.1 Capability Development in the Auto Component Industry
3. Factors characterizing the Award winners
4. Data and methodology 
 4.1 Data Description
 4.2 Methodology
 4.3 Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Chapter 6
1. Introduction
2. Identifying Global Trends
3. Automobile Growth and Changing Vehicular Composition in India
4. Innovation and Organization: Some Reflections from Case studies
5. Conclusion