BOP Report(Bottom of the Pyramid)
All data are collected in the Fiscal Year of 2008-2009.
London, T. 2008. The base-of-the-pyramid perspective:A new approach to poverty alleviation.In G. T. Solomon (Ed.), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Hart, S. L. & London, T. 2005. Developing native capability:What multinational corporations can learn from the base of the pyramid. Stanford Social Innovation Review , 3(2): 28-33.
Microcredit in India:Helping Themselves in The Economist, August 11 2005.
Profits - a penny at a time by David Ignatius in The Washington Post, July 5 2005.
e-Choupal Retrieved from August 15 2005.
Chasing the base of the pyramid by Marc Gunther in Fortune , November 15, 2006.
Karnani, Aneel G., Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid:A Mirage .Ross School of Business Paper No. 1035 Available at SSRN:
Landrum, Nancy E., Advancing the "Base of the Pyramid" Debate.Strategic Management Review, 1(1), 2007. Available at
Allen Hammond, William J Kramer, Julia Tran, Rob Katz, Courtland Walker (March 2007). The Next 4 Billion:Market Size and Business Strategy at the Base of the Pyramid .World Resources Institute. pp. 164.ISBN 1-56973-625-1. .
The Next Billions:Unleashing Business Potential in Untapped Markets .World Economic Forum.January 2009. pp. 44. .
Prahalad, C.K. and Hart, S.L "The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid" in Strategy+Business 26: 54-67
Prahalad, C.K "The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid" (Wharton School Publishing, 2004)
Hart, S.L "Capitalism at the Crossroads" (Wharton School Publishing, 2005)
The Base of the Pyramid Protocol - Full Download Available
London, T. & Hart, S. L. 2004. Reinventing strategies for emerging markets:Beyond the transnational model. Journal of International Business Studies , 35(5): 350-370.
London. T. 2007. A Base-of-the-Pyramid Perspective on Poverty Alleviation.Washington, DC:United Nations Development Program. Growing Inclusive Markets Working Paper Series .
Kandachar, P. and Minna, H. (Eds.)"Sustainability challenges and solutions at the base of the pyramid - Business, technology and the poor".Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield 2008
Hahn, R. 2009. Multinationale Unternehmen und die "Base of the Pyramid" - Neue Perspektiven von Corporate Citizenship und nachhaltiger Entwicklung.Wiesbaden:Gabler.ISBN 978-383491643
- 1. Reperceiving Business from the Bottom Up
- 2. Bop in Brief
- 3. Four Consumer Tiers
- 4. The Invisible Opportunity
- 5. Tier 4 Pioneer
- 6. Creating Buying Power
- 7. Shaping Aspirations
- 8. Improving Access
- 9. Tailoring Local Solutions
- 10. Putting It All Together
- 11. A Common Cause
- 12. BOP Experiments in the Field
- 13. A BOP Typology
- 14. What's Next for BOP?
- 15. How to Get Started: The Conceptual Framework for BOP Innovation
- 16. BoP Conferences
- 17. Case Studies and Relevant Reference Material
- Bibliography