Research Activities
Research Projects
The Rescaling of Statehood : Sociological studies?of?globalization in Southeast Asia(2021_2_40_015)
Between the 1950s and 1980s, most Southeast Asian countries adopted development strategies to balance the economic growth with regional development under the policy guidance of international agencies and based on the experiences of Europe and the US. However, as the influence of global capitalism and neoliberalism emerged, Southeast Asian countries began to switch their regional development and urban policies to promote greater competition in order to attract global capital investment and increase economic efficiency (Park, Hill and Saito 2012). In the EU and the US, where this trend has been conspicuous since the 1980s, “the Rescaling of Statehood” emerged as a new theory for analyzing the processes of new space governance in the field of sociology, political geography, and political economy after globalization (Brenner 2004, 2009, and 2019). A new academic journal called Territory, Politics, Governance was launched to focus on this issue. In the process of “rescaling,” a change in monopolistic authority by the state has been observed and international/regional organizations, global capital, and local sub-national governments have emerged as new actors that have attempted to reorganize urban spaces and implement development projects. In recent years, the role of the state in space development has again been evaluated due to growing discontent toward the trends of unequal development in the globalized world (Brenner, Marcuse and Mayer 2012; Struzaker and Nurse 2020). In this research project, we will attempt to introduce this theory into Japan by editing a new theoretical textbook. In this preliminary study, we examine case studies of Southeast Asian countries, where the phenomena of rescaling and space distribution can often be observed by contrasting the neoliberal policies and state capitalist policies in this region. We also aim to create a new approach for comparative studies of Southeast Asia by applying a new theory to this issue.
April 2021 - March 2023
Leader of the Research Project
Published by External Publisher (Japanese)