Research Activities
Research Projects
Participation, Upgrading and Structure of the Global Value Chains(2020_2_40_017)
The development experiences of emerging economies in Asia have demonstrated the effectiveness of development strategies through participation in global value chains (GVCs). However, even those successful economies are still struggling to become fully developed economies, and many less-developed countries are finding it difficult to participate in GVCs. This project aims to derive policy recommendations on development strategies through participation in GVCs by (1) analysing factors for GVC participation using international input?output tables, (2) analysing factors for further economic development through participation in GVCs, (3) developing a logistic connectivity index based on network analyses, and (4) comparing the structure of GVCs in East Asia, North and Central America, and Europe.
April 2020 - March 2023
Leader of the Research Project
Published by External Publisher (English)