Research Activities
Research Projects
Empirical Study of Stateless Persons in India-Bangladesh Ex-enclaves: Lives, Experiences, and Prospects (2018_2_40_018)
In July 2015, it was decided that the enclaves around the Indo-Bangladesh border would become administered by either India or Bangladesh, and many of the residents chose to either stay put or move across the border to keep their formal citizenship. This study explores the experience and history of these residents and inquires into the role of international borders and statelessness. It also inquires into how people coped with such a situation, also inquiring into what they currently hope for, regarding their future.
April 2018 - March 2020
Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] | Tsubota Kenmei |
[ Co-researcher ] | Murayama Mayumi |
- IDE Research Bulletin
- Discussion Paper