China’s Western Development Strategy: Issues and Prospects

Spot Survey


Edited by ONISHI Yasuo
Published in December 2001

Contents (287KB)

Summary (862KB)

Chapter 1
1.1 Chinese Economy in Structural Changeover
1.2 Western Development as Long-Term Economic Development Strategy
1.3 Tenth Five-Year Plan and the Strategy for Developing the Western Region
1.4 Assessment and Prospects
Chapter 2
2.1 Circumstances for Proposal of the Strategy for Developing Western Region
2.2 Background for Proposal of the Strategy for Developing the Western Region
2.3 Tricky Adjustments of Interests
Chapter 3

Problems of Economic Development in Inland China and the Strategy for Developing the Western Region / CHEN Dong-sheng

3.1 Status and Problems of Economic Development in Inland Region
3.2 Proposal and Launch of the Strategy for Developing the Western Region
3.3 Policy Assessment and Future Prospects
Chapter 4

10th Five-Year Plan and the Strategy for Developing the Western Region / WEI Houkai

4.1 Main Goals and Basic Framework of 10th Five-Year Plan
4.2 Overall Arrangement for Implementing the Strategy for Developing the Western Region during 10th Five-Year Plan
4.3 Key Development Projects in China’s Inland Region during 10th Five-Year Plan
4.4 Japan’s Aid Policy for Inland China’s Development
Chapter 5
5.1 Poverty Situation in Rural Areas
5.2 Progress in Poverty Relief Policy in Rural Area