Poverty Reduction for the Disabled in China 中国残疾人扶贫研究
- Livelihood Analysis from the Data of the Second China National Sample Survey on Disability -
Joint Research Program Series
Preface / 前言 (397KB)
Introduction / 序 论 (173KB) / Masayuki Kobayashi
Livelihood Situation of Disabled Population in China
第1章 中国残疾人口的生活状况 (410KB) / Chen Gong, Lin Yan, Zhang Lei, Song Xinming and Zheng Xiaoying
A Note on Employment of and Public Services to Persons with Disabilities in China
第2章 中国残疾人就业与公共服务的研究笔记 (199KB) / Masayuki Kobayashi, Soya Mori and Tatsufumi Yamagata