Discussion Papers
No.856 Economic Diplomacy on Turkish Foreign Policy under AKP
by Kohei IMAI
July 2022
Economic growth and distribution of wealth based on globalization is the Justice and Development Party (AKP)’s strength in domestic politics. The AKP has also used the economy as a foreign policy tool by developing the policies of previous governments based on free market economics and harmonizing with the EU. This article examines the mechanism of the economic aspects of Turkish foreign policy under the AKP. Business associations are key to understanding the AKP’s economic diplomacy. This paper focuses on the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (TÜSİAD), the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), and the Turkish International Cooperation Agency (TİKA) as the economic mechanism of Turkish foreign policy. foreign policy.
Keywords: Turkish foreign policy, Economic diplomacy, AKP
JEL classification:
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