Impact of Socio-economic Changes on the Livelihoods of People Living in Poverty in Vietnam



Edited by Ha Huy Thanh and Shozo Sakata
Published in 2005

Title page, Content, Contributors (158KB) / Ha Huy Thanh and Shozo Sakata

Introduction (18KB)

Chapter 1
1. Introduction
2. Primary Aims of Economic Reform
3. Economic Growth and income of the people
4. Hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction
5. Health Care Services
6. Education Target
7. Conclusion
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
2. Formulation of Vietnam’s National Program for Poverty Reduction
 (1) Socio-economic context in early 1990s
 (2) Formulation of the national poverty reduction programs and policies:
 (3) Content of the major national poverty reduction programs:
3. Implementation of the National Poverty Reduction Programs
 (1) Construction of rural infrastructure facilities
 (2) Support in health care
 (3) Support in education
 (4) Support for housing improvement
 (5) provision of credit for poverty reduction purposes
 (6) Allocation of agricultural land to landless households
 (7) Technical extension in agriculture, forestry and fishery
4. Impacts of the National Poverty Reduction Programs
 (1) Achievements of poverty reduction viewed from macro level
 (2) Challenges of poverty reduction
 (3) Contribution of the national programs to poverty reduction viewed from micro level
5. remarks on Poverty Reduction Program in Vietnam
 (1) On the concept of poverty reduction in Vietnam
 (2) On structure and Implementation of the national poverty reduction programs
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
2. Policy Framework on Rural Infrastructure Development and Its Renovation
 (1) General description on rural infrastructure development before Doi moi
 (2) Renovation policies on Development of rural infrastructure in the past and at present
 (3) Policies on infrastructure in poor and extremely difficult communes
3. Actual Development of Rural infrastructure in General in Poor Extremely Difficult Communes
 (1) Overall picture
 (2) Essential infrastructure works and its service delivery in rural areas
 (3) Infrastructure development situation in poor and extremely difficult communes
4. Impact of Policy on infrastructure and Its Development on Livelihood of the Poor
 (1) Policy on infrastructure and its actual development in rural areas has brought benefits for the poor
 (2) Constraints and obstacles of infrastructures development and their use
5. Conclusion
Chapter 4
1. Introduction
2. The Policies on Trade Liberalization During the Doi Moi Period in Vietnam
 (1) Price policies
 (2) Policies on import and export
 (3) Rural Credit policies and Financial services
 (4) Investment policies
3. The Marketization Process of Agro-products during the Dio Moi Period in Vietnam
 (1) Rate of agro-commercial goods in total agro-products
 (2) Production and trade of the main agricultural products
4. Effects of Agricultural product Trade Liberalization on Farmer’s Lives, hunger Eradication and Poverty Reduction Tasks
 (1) Overview of farmer’s living standards
 (2) Farmers’ living standards
 (3) Farmers livelihoods in specific commodity regions
 (4) Some main issues
 (5) Effects of trade liberalization on business opportunities and development
5. Conclusion
Chapter 5
1. Introduction
2. Migration – Background and Theory
 (1) Dual economy and the causes of rural –to-urban migration
 (2) Todaro7s model of rural-urban migration
 (3) ‘Push and pull factors’ approach
3. Factors that have Impacts on Migration in Vietnam
 (1) Population and employment pressure
 (2) Industrialization and urbanization in Vietnam
4. Main Flows of Migrations in Vietnam
 (1) Domestic migrations
 (2) International migration
5. Rural to urban Migration
 (1) An Overview
 (2) Rural-to-urban migration: a case study in Ho Chi Min City, long An and Binh Duong provinces
6. Conclusion
Chapter 6
1. Introduction
2. Background of the Research
 (1) Household surveys in Vietnam: their advantages and disadvantages
 (2) Research site selection procedure
 (3) Commune and household selection
 (4) Calculation of income and working time
3. General Information on the Surveyed households
 (1) Household size and education attainments
 (2) Land size
 (3) Income sources
 (4) Income disparity
 (5) Labor allocation
4. Marketization and Income Structures
 (1) Income diversification and ‘marketization’ of livelihoods
 (2) Calculation
 (3) Our results
5. Who are the ‘Marketized’ Households?
 (1) Income structures and household characters
 (2) Model settings and results
 (3) Interpretation of results
6. Conclusion
1. Land Management Mechanism in the 1980s
 (1) The 1980 Constitution
 (2) The Communist Party of Viet Nam Secretariat’s Directive 100
 (3) Land Law-an important turning point
 (4) Contract 10
2. Land Management mechanism in the 1990s and Beyond
 (1) Resolutions of the Communist Party in early 1990s
 (2) The 1993 Land Law
 (3) Resolutions of the Communist Party toward formulation of 1998 Land Law
 (4) The Revised Land Law in 1998
3. Land Law Decree
 (1) Real Estate Market
 (2) Land Use Right Certificates
 (3) Overseas Vietnamese and foreigners
 (4) Procedures for Allocation or Lease of Land
 (5) projects for Construction of Residential House for Sale