Human Resource Development in the Information Age: The Cases of Singapore and Malaysia



Edited by Minoru Makishima
Published in 2002

Contents (182KB)

Preface (370KB) / Minoru Makishima

Part 1: Singapore
Chapter 1

Labour Market in a Knowledge-based Economy: The case of Singapore / Hank Lim

1. Introduction
2. Characteristics of a Knowledge-based Economy
3. Globalization and Domestic Structural Changes
4. Changes in the Labour Market
5. The Implications of a Knowledge-based Economy on the Labour Market
6. Policy and Institutional Changes in Response to Exported Changes in Labour Market
7. Conclusion
Chapter 2

Education Development in the information Age :The Case of Singapore / Michael Dale Williams

1. Introduction
2. Goals of the Singapore Educational System
3. ICT Schools Before 1996
4. IT Masterplan for Education
5. Implementation of the Masterplan
6. ICT Education in Higher Education
7. Looking Ahead: Trends in Singapore
8. Problems and Prospects of Educational Development
9. Conclusion
Chapter 3

Manpower Development in the Digital Economy: The case of Singapore / Wong Poh Kam

1. Introduction
2. Overview of Singapore's Growing Digital Economy
3. ICT Manpower Development in Singapore
4. ICT Manpower Development: The Influence of Public Policies
5. Emerging Challenges and Policy Responses
6. Emerging Policy Response: The Infocomm 21 Masterplan
7. ICT Manpower Development Challenges and Issues
Part 2: Malaysia
Chapter 4

Labour market in a Knowledge-Based Economy: The Case of Malaysia / Shankaran Nambiar

1. Introduction
2. Development of a Knowledge-based Economy
3. The Changing Labour Market and ICT
4. ICT, Structural Changes in Industry and Labour
5. Knowledge, The K-economy and the Government's Role
6. Conclusion
Chapter 5

Educational Development in the Information Age: The Case of Malaysia / Narrizan Razali

1. Introduction
2. Policies and Objectives
3. Various Initiatives
4. Plans for Future Development of Education in Light of the Information Age
5. Future Challenges in the Educational Development for the Information Age
Chapter 6

Manpower Development in a Knowledge-Based Economy: The Case of Malaysia / Chun Kwong Han

1. Introduction
2. The ICT Context
3. knowledge Worker Development-Current Status
4. Issues and Challenges
5. Future Directions and Recommendations
6. Conclusion
Part 3: Japan
Chapter 7
1. Introduction
2. Characteristics of Japan's ODA
3. Japanese Technical Cooperation with Singapore
4. Japanese Technical Cooperation with Malaysia
5. Evaluation of Technical Cooperation
6. Regional Cooperation and Global Cooperation
7. Educational Cooperation
8. Conclusion