Rural Industry in the Upper Northern Thailand



Edited by Koji Taniguchi
Published in 1997

Contents (162KB)

Preface (199KB) / Koji Taniguchi

Chapter I

Introduction (627KB) / Chayan Vaddhanaphuti, Koji Taniguchi

Chapter II
1. Introduction
2. Present State of Agriculture in the UNT Region
3. Productivity of Agriculture
4. Inter-Industry Relationships of Agriculture in UNT
5. Summary and Conclusion
Chapter III

The Impact of Tourism on Labor Market: Northern Thailand / Adis Israngkura

1. Introduction
2-1. Importance of Tourism in Thailand
2-2. Tourist Attractions n the UNT Region
3. Direct and Indirect Effect of Employment Generation in the Northern Region
4-1. Income Distribution in Chiang Mai Province
4-2. Human Resource Development in the Tourism Industry
5. Northern Culture and Ecotourism: Conclusion
Chapter IV

1. Upper Northern Hand-Made textiles: Problems and Trends / Bupa Wattanapun

2. Wood Carving in Upper Northern Thailand: Problems and Potentials / Wattana Wattanapun

Problems and Potentials
Chapter V

Summary and Conclusion (217KB) / Koji Taniguchi