The Long-Term Prospects of the Chinese Economy



Edited by Kyoichi Ishihara, Chang Qing, Lok-Sang Ho, Charng Kao
Published in 1993

Contents (182KB)

Preface (225KB) / Kyoichi Ishihara

Chapter 1.

China's Macro-Economy and Long-Term Planning / Xun Dazhi

1. Economic Growth and the Macro-Economy in the 1980’s
2. Chinese Economy in the 1990s: Stepping into a New Development Stage
3. Contradictions and Strategic Selection in the Development
4. Long-Term Planning and Economic Development Policies
Chapter 2.

The Issues concerning China's Regional Structure Following the Open-Door Policy / Wang Jian

1. The Achievement of Chinese Open-Door Policy since Economic Reform and Its Current Situation
2. The Features and Contradictions of China’s Regional Structure in the 80’s
3. The Change of the World Political and Economic Pattern, and the selection of China’s Strategy
Chapter 3.

China's Economic System Reform: the Enterprise and the Government / Chang Qing, Xun Dazhi, Su Zhongyi

1. The Main Course of the Economic system Reform of the Past 14 Years
2. The Current Problems Facing Reform
3. Ideas o Furthering the Economic System Reform
Chapter 4.

Market Development in Chaina / Chang Qing

1. Phaseout of the Planned Economy and the Development of a Market
2. The Current Situation of the Development of China’s Various Markets
3. Contradictions and Problems in China’s Market Development
4. China’s Market Development in Prospect
Chapter 5.

Rural Development and Reform in China / Sun Tanzhen

1. A Review of Rural Development and Reform
2. Achievement of Rural Reform
3. Problems Facing Future Rural Development
4. The Prospect for Further Rural development and Reform in the 1990s
Chapter 6.

China and Hong Kong: Economic Partnership / Lok-Sang Ho, Yun-Wing Sung

1. Development in Trade Relations since 1979
2. Interflow of Capital between Hong Kong and China
3. Labour Migration
4. Transfer of Ideas, Skills, and Technology
5. Further Integration in the Years to Come
Chapter 7.

An Analysis of Economic Relations between Taiwan and Mainland China / Charng Kao

1. Indirect Trade
2. Investment
3. The Impact of the Two Sides’ Economic Exchanges on Taiwan’s Economy
4. Prospects of Economic Relationship
5. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 8.

An Outlook on the Economy of Hong Kong / Luk Yim Fai

1. Recent Performance of the Hong Kong Economy
2. Economic Links Between Hong Kong and China
3. Outlook on Economic Integration with South China
4. Outlook for Other Factors Influencing the Hong Kong Economy
5. Outlook for the Hong Kong Economy
Chapter 9.
1. The Contradictions of the Transitional periods
2. After the Accomplishment of High-Rate Economic Growth and the Establishment of a market Economy