Current Issues of Rural Development in Malawi

Africa Research Series


TAKANE Tsutomu ed.
Published in 2006
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
2. The Creation of Kachenga Village
3. Village Composition
4. Access to Land and Transfer of Land Rights
5. Security of Tenure
6. Changes in Land Tenure
 6.1 Increased perception of land ownership as opposed to rightholding
 6.2 Declining allocatory role of the Village headman
 6.3 Mala occupation of land in maternal villages
 6.4 Informal sale of land
7. Village Level Tenure Changes and the New Land Policy
 7.1 Registration of land and security of tenure
 7.2 Transparency in land administration
 7.3 Land Inheritance
 7.4 Transfer of customary estates
8. Conclusion
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
2. Background Information
 2.1 Children in Malawi
3. Child labour: Prevalence and Legislative Frameworks
 3.1 General employment and child labour issues
 3.2 Existing legislative frameworks on child labour
4. Results of the Study
 4.1 The cultivation of crops and utilization of farm inputs
 4.2 The 2001/2002 food shortages and community’s coping strategies
 4.3 What needs to be done for people to have adequate harvests
 4.4 How did the 2001/2002 hunger impact on children
 4.5 Why are children employed?
 4.6 How work affects the lives of children
 4.7 Effects of child labour on school performance
 4.8 Factors that would hinder children from schooling or working
 4.9 Keeping children in school during hunger crises
5. The Impact of the Liberalization of Tobacco on Food Security and Child Labour
6. Conclusions
 6.1 Creating awareness about the effects of child labour on child development
 6.2 Monitoring and enforcement of legislation against child labour
 6.3 Introduction of stiffer penalties for perpetrators of child labour
 6.4 Addressing the factors that contribute to children withdrawing from school
 6.5 School feeding
 6.6 Provision of school materials
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Presentation and Discussion of Principal Findings
 3.1 Demographic characteristics of heads of household
 3.2 Demographic profile of rural-urban migrants
4. Assessment of Rural-Urban Migration’s Impact on Food Security
 4.1 Negative impact of rural-urban migration on food security
 4.2 Positive impacts of rural-urban migration on food security
5. How to Reduce Food Insecurity in Light of Rural-Urban Migration
 5.1 Rural infrastructure
 5.2 Investment in education
 5.3 Improved access to farm inputs
 5.4 Improved farm practices
 5.5 Diversification of income opportunities in rural areas
 5.6 Improving the quality of rural life in general
6. Conclusion
Chapter 4
1. Introduction
2. Background
 2.1 Regulation of the fishery at Lake Malawi
 2.2 Co-management of fisheries at Lake Malawi
 2.3 Mobility among fishermen
3. Results
 3.1 Village context
 3.2 Characteristics of migrant fishers
 3.3 Fishing at Chimphamba
 3.4 Household characteristics
  3.4.1 Age of head of household
  3.4.2 Household size
  3.4.3 Education of household head
  3.4.4 Occupation of household head
  3.4.5 Ownership of Livestock
 3.5 livelihood sources
  3.5.1 Sources of income
  3.5.2 Mean household and per capita income
  3.5.3 Contribution of fisheries to household income
 3.6 Importance of fishing to the village
 3.7 Fluctuations n the usipa fishery and the fishing calendar
 3.8 Coping with fluctuations
 3.9 Fishing areas
 3.10 Co-management versus movement
 3.11 Access to fishing
 3.12 Relations between resident and migrants
 3.13 Conflict
4. Summary of Key Finding son Migration
Chapter 5
1. Introduction
2. Study Sites and Methods
3. Household Asset Status
4. Tobacco and Smallholders
5. Income Composition of Rural Households
6. Tobacco Marketing Institutions and Smallholders
7. Conclusion