Agricultural and Rural Development in Malawi: Macro and Micro Perspectives

Africa Research Series


TAKANE Tsutomu ed.
Published in 2005
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
2. Policy Assessment
 2.1 Government Macro-Policy Framework
 2.2 Exchange rate Policy Reforms
 2.3 Financial Sector Policy Reforms
 2.4 Trade and investment Liberalization
 2.5 Price Stability
 2.6 Poverty Alleviation Program
 2.7 Public Sector Restructuring and State-Owned Enterprise Reforms
 2.8 Labour Market Reforms
3. A Summary Assessment of Macroeconomic Policies (SAPs)
 3.1 A Summary Assessment of Sectoral policies
 3.2 A Summary Assessment of Cross and Sub-Sectoral Policies
4. Policy, Strategy and Institutional Recommendations
 4.1 Policy Recommendations
 4.2 Strategy Recommendations
 4.3 Institutional Recommendations
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
2. Study Methodology
3. Preconditions for Agricultural Intensification
 3.1 Food Situation
  3.1.1 Level of national food self-sufficiency
 3.2 Agro-ecological and demographic preconditions
  3.2.1 Agro-ecological setting
  3.2.2 Land frontier
 3.3 Structures and Institutions
  3.3.1 Economic structure
  3.3.2 Agrarian structure
  3.3.3 Land tenure systems
  3.3.4 Transport and other infrastructure
  3.3.5 Availability of agricultural credit systems
  3.3.6 Access to markets
 3.4 Political Preconditions
  3.4.1 Government Freedom / ability to direct agricultural development
  3.4.2 The role of donors and multilateral organizations in agriculture
  3.4.3 Influence of International trade regimes on agriculture performance development
  3.4.4 The role of nationalism and other ideological factors in government’s policy towards food self-sufficiency
 3.5 Community Organizations and Institutions
  3.5.1 Land Tenure
  3.5.2 Gender
  3.5.3 Social structures
 3.6 The role of farmer organizations, NGOs and CBOs in agriculture
4. Actors
 4.1 State
  4.1.1 Level and content of state intervention in agriculture
  4.1.2 Government policy towards the private sector
  4.1.3 Government’s attitude and policies / legislation towards NGOs and CBOs
 4.2 Market / Private Sectors
  4.2.1 Size and structure of the private sector
  4.2.2 The role played by the private sector in agriculture
  4.2.3 Development of factor markets
 4.3 Farmers
  4.3.1 The facilitation of state intervention
  4.3.2 Analysis of state intervention policies
  4.3.3 Provision of technologies
  4.3.4 Access to production factors
  4.3.5 The role of farmers associations, NGOs and CBOs
  4.3.6 Changes in the profitability of food production
5. National Level Effects of Intensification
 5.2 Effects of Intensification at the National Level
  5.2.1 Aggregate productivity
  5.2.2 Aggregate changes in cropping patterns
  5.2.3 Aggregate area changes under food crops (harvested area)
  5.2.4 Gross staple food crop production
  5.2.5 Trends in aggregate use of high-yielding inputs
  5.2.6 Trends in area under irrigation
  5.2.7 National food self-sufficiency
  5.2.8 Net import / export of staple food including food aid
6. Conclusions
Chapter 3
1. Introduction
2. Role of Financial Markets
3. The Financial System
 3.1 Commercial Banks
 3.2 Ownership structure
4. Economic Environment
 4.1 Interest Rates and Inflation
5. Efficiency Indicators
6. Challenges and Opportunities
7. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 4
1. Introduction
2. Historical overview of Tobacco Production in Malawi
3. Method and study Location
4. Land and Labor
5. Tobacco
6. Household Income
7. Conclusion
Chapter 5
1. Introduction
2. Background
 2.1 The Agrifood Market in Malawi
3. Patterns in the Rise of Supermarkets in East and Southern Africa
 3.1 The Case of South Africa
 3.2 The Case of Kenya
 3.3 The Case of Malawi
4. Determinants of Supermarkets’ Diffusion in Southern and Eastern Africa
5. Supermarkets procurement Systems
6. Agrifood Products in Supermarkets in Malawi
 6.1 The Socio-economic Characteristics of the Local suppliers
 6.2 Determinants of Suppliers of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in Supermarkets in Malawi
7. Constraints Facing Local Suppliers
 7.1 The Case of farmer Cooperatives in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector in Malawi
  7.1.1 The Case of Ngolowindo Horticultural Co-operative Ltd.
8. Effects of the Emergence of Supermarkets on the fresh Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains
9. Expectations and Implications for Farmers
10. Policy Implications
Chapter 6
1. Introduction
 1.1 Background
 1.2 Objectives
 1.3 Methodology
 1.4 Description of the Study Area
 1.5 Organization of the Report
2. Characteristics of the Sampled Farmers
 2.1 Socio-economic Characteristics
 2.2 Crops Grown
 2.3 Livestock Kept
3. Crop Marketing
 3.1 Tobacco
 3.2 Maize
 3.3 Groundnuts
 3.4 Soyabeans
 3.5 Common Beans
 3.6 Cassava and Sweet Potatoes
 3.7 Vegetables
 3.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Crop Buyers
  3.8.1 Auction Floors
  3.8.2 Intermediate Buyers
  3.8.3 local Market
  3.8.4 National Association of Smallholder Farmers in Malawi (NASFAM)
  3.8.5 Rab Processors Limited
  3.8.6 Seed Multiplication Acton Group (SMAG)
 3.9 General Problems in Crop marketing
4. Livestock Marketing
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
 5.1 Conclusions
 5.2 Recommendations