The Developing Economies
Volume 34, Number 4 (December 1996)
■ The Developing Economies Volume 34, Number 4 (December 1996)
■ B5
■ 105pp
■ December 1996
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PDF files can be viewed for articles that were published by 2005.
Special Issue: Urbanization from the Perspective of Developing Countries
Introduction: Population Migration and Urbanization in Developing Countries (901KB) / Reeitsu Kojima
Breakdown of China's Policy of Restricting Population Movement (1.58MB) / Reeitsu Kojima
Urbanization and Apartheid in South Africa: Influx Controls and Their Abolition (1.25MB) / Mitsuo Ogura
Urbanization in Post-Revolution Iran (1.18MB) / Hiromasa Kano
Urbanization in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan: A NIEs Pattern (1.2MB) / Hiroshi Hashiya
Comparative Study of Informal Labor Markets in the Urbanization Process: The Philippines and Thailand (1.41MB) / Toru Nakanishi
Expanding Urban Sprawl: Growth of Low-Income Settlements in Bogota, Colombia (1.34MB) / Noriko Hataya
Morphology of India's Urbanization (1.48MB) / Takashi Shinoda