KIKUCHI Hirokazu
Previous research
My studies focus on various aspects of political institutions, especially those in Latin American countries. One of my main research topics has been on legislatures, and I have published a book on the influences of subnational governors over national politics through the senators of their states, with a particular focus on the case of the Argentine Senate (see the link below).
Moreover, I have studied topics on electoral rules such as gender quotas in Latin America as well as mandatory primaries in Argentina and its impacts on Argentine voters. I have also published works on various aspects of the characteristics of democracy in emerging democracies and on the relationship between the state and civil society organizations in Latin America.
Current research projects
As an extension of my previous research, I am performing a comparative analysis of legislative behavior in the Argentine and the Brazilian Senates, taking into account differences in the characteristics of their respective legislative processes. I am also conducting text analysis of bills approved by the Argentine Congress in order to identify what kinds of bills are more likely to be vetoed by the president.
My two new research agendas focus on Japanese politics. I have launched a new project on the role of civil society organizations in the recall process in Peru and Japan. I am also involved in collaborative research on COVID-19, including a survey experiment on the acceptance of governmental policies in Japan as well as a project that reconsiders the state capacity of Latin American countries.