Research Activities
Research Projects
Economic Diplomacy in Thai-Japan Relation 1948-1995.(2020_1_40_001)
This project studies the diplomatic interaction over economic issues between Thailand and Japan in the post-war era. Since the formal restoration of their diplomatic relations in the mid-1950s, these two countries have developed close economic relations through trade, investment, and economic assistance. While a lot of studies from the viewpoint of international economics and economic history have already been made on Thai-Japanese economic relations, little has been studied on the political and diplomatic aspects. Most of the political analysis of Thai-Japanese relations focused on collaboration during WWII and on post-war process, but issues such as diplomatic interaction over trade frictions in the 1970s or negotiations over official development assistance have been left unstudied. This project focuses on efforts for "economic diplomacy" and examines their meaning and the influence on Thai-Japanese diplomatic relations. Via this study, the project tries to re-think post-war international relations in East Asia not only from political-military aspects but also from an political-economic viewpoint.
April 2020 - Marc h 2022
Leader of the Research Project
The Ajia Keizai