Research Activities
Research Projects
Leadership and Regional Organizations (2018_2_40_020)
This study looks into the regionalism policy of Rimland states. Rimland states sometimes behave much like Oceanic states by pursuing liberal cooperation among peers on an equal-footing basis. Rimland states sometimes behave like Continental states by proposing a regional cooperation under their auspice with their junior partners. Rimland states sometimes attempt to bridge Oceanic and Continental states by proposing regional institutions including both types of countries. Using the analytical framework outlined above, this study will examine the regionalism policies of three Rimland states: Turkey, Thailand, and Japan.
April 2018 - March 2020
Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] | Hamanaka Shintaro |
[ Co-researcher ] | Imai Kohei |
[ Co-researcher ] | Sato Yoichiro (Ritsumeikan APU, Professor) |
[ Co-researcher ] | Bunyavejchewin Poowin (Thammasat University, Senior Researcher) |
- IDE Research Bulletin
- Discussion Paper