Research Activities

Research Projects

Arab Nationalism and State Formation: the Maghrib Experiences (2018_2_40_013)

The academic discussion on Arab nationalism has witnessed new developments in recent years, connecting itself to modern nationalism debates since the 1980s, as well as postcolonial theory and subaltern studies. However, the conventional literature on Arab nationalism has centered on the Mashriq (East Arab) regions, leaving aside the experience of the Maghrib (West Arab) regions. To make a connection between the studies on the Maghriq and the Maghrib regions and to reconsider some unquestioned premises and prejudices in the existing Arab nationalism literature, this project deals with the Maghrib historical cases. Among the various issues, we focus on some controversial topics such as regional identity and solidarity, the relationship between Arab nations and non-Arab minorities, and nationalism and colonial experiences in order to bring new perspectives to the Arab nationalism debate.

April 2018 - March 2020

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] Watanabe Shoko
[ Co-researcher ] Shinoda Tomoaki
(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(The University of Tokyo, Department of Islamic Studies))
[ Co-researcher ] Kim Shinwoo (Doctoral Student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University)

  • IDE Research Bulletin
  • IDE Discussion Paper