Research Activities
Research Projects
Comparative study of Political Trust in Five South Asian countries (2017_1_40_004)
Democratic consolidation takes various forms in South Asia. The democratic regimes are relatively stable and consolidated in India and Sri Lanka, while they are not yet stable in Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The failure of democratic consolidation can be observed in the latter three countries, including distrust in the political parties and the election processes, as well as the lack of a fundamental consensus on the constitution. There are a variety of factors which decide the nature of democratic consolidation in a country. The political trust of people in the regime is, no doubt, one of the most important factors. In this research project, the structural features of political trust among people will be identified on the basis of a literature survey and statistical analysis of the opinion survey data of five South Asian countries. Then, the relationships between the structure of political trust and democratic consolidation in the five nations will be examined comparatively, which will produce important knowledge concerning the relation between the two variables.
April 2017 - March 2018
Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] | Kondo Norio |
- Ajia Keizai (in Japanese)