Research Activities

Research Projects

FY 2016/2017 Research Topic: C-07
Comparative Studies of Trends in Regional Structures


South Asia is expected to regionally integrate further over the next several decades. When we imagine a South Asia without borders, how will it differ from the one during British India where there were no borders? This research project explores the shifting trends in regional structures with the partitioned regions by the current territories and by interaction between neighbouring regions. The research results will offer a basis for considering future regional integration in the region. It also seeks possible comparable regions.


April 2016 - March 2018

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] TSUBOTA Kenmei
[ Co-researchers ] SHONCHOY Abu
[ Co-researchers ] OSADA Noriyuki
[ Co-researchers ] DUCRUET, César (Research Fellow, French National Center for Scientific Research)
[ Co-researchers ] KUROSAKI Takashi (Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)
[ Co-researchers ] OGAWA Michihiro (Associate Professor, Kanazawa University)
[ Co-researchers ] OGAWA Michihiro (Associate Professor, Kanazawa University)
  • First year: Interim Report
  • Second year: IDE Research Bulletin