The Developing Economies
Volume 29, Number 2 (June 1991)
■ The Developing Economies Volume 29, Number 2 (June 1991)
■ B5
■ 105pp
■ June 1991
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PDF files can be viewed for articles that were published by 2005.
The Privatization Process in Algeria (2.0MB) / Hacene Boukaraoun
Land Pawning in the Philippines: An Exploration into the Consequences of Land Reform Regulations (1.1MB) / Geetha Nagarajan, M. Agnes Quisumbing, and Keijiro Otsuka
Rural-Urban Migration in Zambia and Migrant Ties to Home Villages (1.0MB) / Mitsuo Ogura
Interindustry Linkages and Economic Development: The Case of Brazil Reconsidered (1.0MB) / Benedict J. Clements and José W. Rossi
Book Reviews
The Dialectics of Oppression in Zaire by Michael G. Schatzberg (212KB) / Shin'ichi Takeuchi